‘Nailing a Niche Market’ – Campbell’s Newsletter
Michael Campbell’s latest ‘Internet Marketing Secrets’ newsletter article titled “Nailing a Niche Market” is reprinted here. [Read the Article].
Michael Campbell’s latest ‘Internet Marketing Secrets’ newsletter article is reprinted here.
Nailing a Niche Market
The most important thing you can do, before setting up a website, or tuning up and old one, is keyword research. You want to know two things about any given market. What they are searching for. And what keywords they use.
You’ll also want to know the relative competition in the niche. What their sites look like. How many incoming links they have. How many pages they have indexed. And the PageRank of the competing pages.
This is the market research that needs to be done, before you set up any site, or revamp an old one. You want to identify a niche and go after what’s known as, the “long tail” of the search terms. And as research has shown, it’s where most of the purchasing decisions are made.
You certainly don’t want to duke it out in the search engines for hotly contested keywords, or the “head” of the search. The secret is to sneak in the back door, and get found for all the keywords further down the list.
Here’s how I search all the major keyword services in one place, including Keyword Discovery, Overture and Wordtracker. It shows me the number of searches, and the competition, including KEI, Success Probability Ratio and seasonal trends.
But even more important than a simple mathematical formula to determine competition, you can also check for the presence of the keyword in the page’s HTML Title tag. This is a “true” indication that the page has been optimized for a particular keyword phrase.
You can do all this manually, or use a tool specifically designed for the purpose. One that will save you time and your money, and give more accurate research than any other tool on the market.
My secret weapon is Nichebot 2. If you don’t have an account, go get signed up. All it costs is a single dollar. You have a spare dollar don’t you? If you can’t spare a dollar, go watch the tour and the video.
With Nichebot 2 you’ll quickly discover niches with little competition. Inside the site you’ll discover…
– 14 Powerful research tools all in one place
– 18 training videos on how to use the 14 tools
– 32 billion keywords from 180 search engines
– How to do lateral searches for related keywords
– Unlimited storage with Keyword Baskets
– A keyword list cleaner that gets your list just right
– WordTrend graphs showing off seasonal searches
– 100% Google friendly interface, using API Keys
I have a word of advice. Stop doing whatever it is that you’re doing, especially if you’re working on a website right now.
Without this research, how can you possibly know which keywords to use on your pages and in your hypertext links? You won’t and you don’t… you’re just guessing. And if you’re guessing in business, you’re losing money.
Here’s a big tip… use the free tools to do your basic research, then use your premium credits (your one dollar) for detailed research. The premium credits you buy last up to ten years. So there’s no rush.
You can come back at any time and continue doing your keyword research, right where you left off. You can even export your keyword lists for use in other applications.
No other system will show your Google competition at a glance. No other system shows the degree of difficulty expressed as a “Competition Ratio” so you’ll know what it takes to bump the other guy off.
And then there’s my personal favorite, the Keyword Analysis tool. Without leaving the Nichebot site, I can click on any keyword in my list and get a list of the top 10 sites in Google. I’m shown their Page Rank, saturation (how many pages are indexed), and how many backlinks they have.
So it’s not only keyword analysis, it’s competition analysis and market research all rolled into one.
If you have clients you’ll look like a hero. If you do SEO work, it will suddenly become a whole lot easier.
If you create AdSense sites, you’ll know what keywords to focus on. If you build Mininets, or affiliate revenue sites, you’ll discover the most profitable niches to build on.
The formula is simple, go for the lowest competition and the highest traffic.
With Nichebot, you’ll discover the easy pickings. The low hanging fruit. The long tail of the search. The essential information, every website owner needs to know.
For my research, I live in this tool and simply cannot do without it. I’d advise you to get it too. And if you want to try it out, all it’s going to cost you is a single dollar.
Isn’t the success of your website worth a dollar?
If it is… Get Nichebot 2.0 ==> http://www.cdzn.com/nb2
WebLink ==> Click
That’s it for now my friend. Thank you for reading. We’ll chat again soon. Until then, here’s wishing you all the best for online success,
Michael Campbell
Looking for answers to your questions? Get the FAQs, important news, your comments, my rants and helpful articles on the Internet Marketing Secrets (IMS) Blog.
Recent Articles on the IMS Blog…
1) Are You Ready to Build an Empire?
2) Google Says… The Good Guy Always Wins.
3) Samples of Successful Copywriting and Landing Pages.
4) How to do Redirects, Split Tests and Thank You Pages.
5) Using a “Whitelisted” Service to Deliver Newsletters.
6) Video Formats for Use on YouTube.com.
7) Why should I trust what you say, Campbell.
8) Learn Fast with 254 Newbie Training Videos.
IMS Blog ==> http://homepage.mac.com/dmcorp/index.html
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*IMNewswatch would like to thank Michael Campbell for granting permission to reprint the latest newsletter.
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