Michael Campbell’s latest ‘Internet Marketing Secrets’ newsletter article titled “Keyword Marketing Part #1 – Niche Research” is reprinted here. [Read the Article]

Michael Campbell’s latest ‘Internet Marketing Secrets’ newsletter article is reprinted here.

Keyword Marketing Part #1 – Niche Research

In next few issues, you’ll discover everything you need to know about keyword marketing. How to find a niche and dominate it with little effort and a handful of websites. It’s also the fundamentals of SEO and getting organic search traffic.

And the best part? This mini course is free for all to learn and benefit from. All you need to do is read the next couple of newsletters.

The first thing everyone wants is a profitable web site. Then two, maybe three, or even a dozen sites, earning revenue on autopilot.

The fastest way to find a profitable niche is to use the Keyword Hotlist.

Keyword Hotlist ==> http://www.cdzn.com/keywordhotlist.pdf

The trick is to look for causes and motivations instead of actual products.

For example, if we research on the keyword word “stop.” We let the millions of internet users tell us what they want “stopped.”

We can do the same for other words like start, prevent, increase, fix, replacement, lose, help, remedy, relief and so on. We don’t look for a product, we look for what people “want.”

The first thing we need to do, is click over to Nichebot and enter the word “stop” into the “Quick-Digging Tools.” These tools are used for preliminary research and do not use any of your paid credits.

Get Nichebot for 1 Dollar ==> http://www.cdzn.com/nb2

Not surprisingly, some of the first things that come up are stop smoking, stop foreclosure and stop spyware. We don’t want to duke it out at the “head of the search” for popular phrases like stop smoking. It’s too crowded, with over 12,000 other pages that have that exact phrase in their title tags.

We want to go down the list and find a sweet spot, with lots of traffic and little competition. Here’s one, “stop smoking product.” Only 40 other pages have that exact phrase in the title, and it still gets over 5,800 searches per month.

We decide to make “stop smoking product” our head keyword phrase, and make it the focus of our home page.

True we’re not going to get as much traffic as the phrase “stop smoking,” but that’s not what minisites and mininets are all about. We don’t want a giant site that takes months to build. We want to dominate a profitable niche, with a few websites, that we can craft in a couple of days.

Besides, people who are looking for a “stop smoking product” have already decided to quit. Now they’re looking for help. And they’re ready to pay for it. That’s the traffic that I want.

Now try doing the same thing with some of the other motivational words, like prevent, replacement or relief. You’ll find things like “scooter replacement parts” is a good niche.

Or you might discover that “replacement widows” are really hot. Now what if you partnered an affiliate program with a local company, and focused on one geographical area? Niche domination perhaps?

Then other times, when it comes to finding a profitable niche, all it takes is a single clue. I try keep my eyes and ears open, for anything to do with cooking, technology, or the music business.

(Having spent a decade – prior to my 20 years in marketing – as a chef by day and musician by night, I have an some interest and knowledge in those areas.) And chances are, if you can talk about something off the top of your head for at least 20 minutes, you can create a totally original, 5-10 page website on the topic.

Take for example beef jerky. (Vegetarians close your eyes. 😉

I was waiting for someone in a doctors office or something, when a three week old USA Today caught my eye. The sales of meat snacks rose 75% last year, when they reached 2.7 billion in sales. That’s a really big number.

Even Harley-Davidson (the motorcycle dudes) are getting in on the act, with their own line of smoked steak. It’s the first time ever, that they’ve given their logo to a food product. Interesting.

Big numbers like that always catch my eye, especially when associated with a food product. Not only would this make a good affiliate site, it would make a good online business, shipping the physical product to consumers.

Jerky is easy to ship and store. It has a long shelf life. Doesn’t need refrigeration. Takes up minimal space. And it comes in varieties like buffalo, venison and turkey.

If you find a wholesaler, manufacturer, or buy it in bulk from a distributor, you could have a decent markup, and a profitable business.

But before we get too excited, it’s time to fire up Nichebot and find out two things. What the competition is like, and what the market is like.

The first thing we need to do, is to type the word “jerky” into the Quick Digging Tools. Within seconds, Keyword Discovery shows well over half a million searches per year on just “beef jerky” and “beef jerky recipes” alone. Now there’s a hungry market!

Now I’m going to use one Nichebot credit, and use the Deep Digging Tool for further market intelligence. This time I’m after Google competition and my potential success ratios. I set Nichebot to go out and do in-depth analysis of the top 500 jerky keywords.

Cool… sometimes you don’t have to go very far down the list.

The phrase “beef jerky recipe” gets almost the same amount of searches as the phrase “beef jerky.” Only 2% less, at a whopping 253,000 searches per year.

Now here’s the really important statistic… There’s 76,000 pages in Google with the exact phrase “beef jerky” in their titles, but only 1,600 with the phrase “beef jerky recipe” in their titles.

Hmmm… 98% of the traffic… but only 2% of the competition. Now that’s a sweet spot. This is the very essence of what keyword marketing is all about. A niche that’s half an inch wide, by file miles deep.

(And no… I’m not going to spend a lot of time on jerky recipes. I’ll formulate one from my research and test it. All the rest of the content on my site will be focused on convincing people that it’s hard to make. The point is to sell them on jerky wholesale, and ordering the products advertised on the pages.)

The next step in our keyword research, is to click on the words “beef jerky recipes” and drill down in the results. I want to be sure there are enough topics to fill out my minisite with ancillary pages and the long search tail.

If you’re not familiar with the search tail, it’s all the keywords way down the list. It’s not our first or second choice. But these “tail” keywords or ancillary search phrases – often three or four words long – are excellent for internal pages on minisites and article sites.

First off, you have to decide which keywords will start your site, bearing in mind that your search “head” may be someone else’s tail. In our case, we decided our head keyword phrase would be, “beef jerky recipe.”

It’s the phrase that we want our home page be known and found for.

The secondary set of keywords known as the middle, body or torso search phrase, leads to our directory page. This directory (as shown in the Revenge of the Mininet diagrams) is on the second level, or one level down from our home page.

In our case, the link from our home page to the directory, might just be the plural form of the head phrase. We could link to the directory with keyword phrases like “beef jerky recipes” or “make beef jerky” or “jerky recipes.”

Finally the tertiary level of pages focuses on the long tail of the search for our site. These are the three and four word searches that people perform late in the buying cycle.

Sure enough, this niche is deep. We have tail search phrases on either side of our search term like, teriyaki, homemade, best, seasonings, marinade, spicy, oven, dehydrator and more. Sweet!

Finally, I want to use Nichebot’s Keyword Analysis Tool. I want to see the PageRank, Saturation (how many pages are indexed) and backlinks that the top 10 results have for my head phrase, “beef jerky recipe.” All it takes is a single click and a few seconds for Nichebot to return the results.

Pfft… I can bump these guys off no sweat! A mix of PR2s to PR4s. Half a dozen back links and only a handful of pages indexed. These dudes are sitting ducks… easy pickings. How? I’ll tell you in the next issue of IMS.

In the mean time, get your homework done. Get your Nichebot account and start searching out a niche, with motivational phrases like stop, start, relief and others according to the Keyword Hotlist. Or if you hear about something like beef jerky, that is worth billions and rising in market share, better run Nichebot on that one as well.

Get Nichebot for Research ==> http://www.cdzn.com/nb2

In the next issue, I’ll show you how we create the structure for a minisite and link it all together. If all goes well, who knows… maybe you’ll bump off one of the sites in the top 10 search results. That means you have the first chance to make the sale.

Ka… ching! What’s that? The sound of a sale confirmation arriving in your mailbox. It’s affiliate revenue arriving daily. It’s closer than you realize and it’s heading this way. Will you run out to meet it? Or do what you’ve always done? We’ll chat next week.

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*IMNewswatch would like to thank Michael Campbell for granting permission to reprint the latest newsletter.





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