Michael Campbell’s latest ‘Internet Marketing Secrets’ Blog aricle titled “Get a High Quality Score and Low PPC Prices” is reprinted here. [Read Article]

Michael Campbell’s latest ‘Internet Marketing Secrets’ Blog aricle is reprinted here.

Get a High Quality Score and Low PPC Prices

To pay the lowest cost per click, do you use a landing page for Google AdWords? Others claim that you need to build a content site, in addition to a landing page, in order to get a quality score. Does this argument have merit? ~ Mark

From what I’ve experienced, the Quality Score (QS) is assessed to an entire site. So it really doesn’t show up as a problem, until you try driving traffic using AdWords. Then you’ll find out.

Sometimes you can send PPC traffic direct to the merchant. If there’s no other competition for that url, and they allow you to deep link into their site, it can have a decent conversion.

If however, the merchant’s site is banned, or they’ve participated in questionable practices, or for some other reason the GadBot (Google AdSense Robot) has assigned a low QS to their site, you’ll pay a lot more per click.

So it’s the site that gets a low quality score. Not the landing page per se.

Same deal with a landing page on a domain name that you own. If your site has been given a low QS, then its better to add more content to the landing page, and a couple of links to additional content.

If none of that works, you may need to send the traffic to a different website. Simply swap out the domain of the destination page in your AdWords ad, and see if that makes a difference.

I’ve used landing pages with moderate success. I either do a product review, or compare three to five different products. I have affiliate links leading to all of them, so it really doesn’t matter which one they choose, I get a commission.

Lately, I’ve set up a new series of experiments using articles. I start talking about 10 different things, until I conclude the article with an affiliate link as the best solution to the problem. (I’ll let you know how it goes as the results come in.)

This time I’ve targeted business instead of consumers. Businesses tend to order a lot more of an item… think office supplies or catering companies. Big orders…

And yes, a lot of my PPC campaigns are on related keywords, and the landing pages are on the same website. It’s slowly becoming a big site – and starting to perform better in organic search results – simply because I’m always adding pages to it.

But you don’t “need” a big site to get a good Quality Score. All you really need are good landing pages.

Tell a story, or add information about the product, that the consumer wouldn’t already know. Ask yourself, if you would have created the page if AdSense didn’t exist.

Make sure you have enough quality content on the page. Stay away from hype words. Include a couple of links on the page. And if you’re trying to capture contact information, include a privacy policy. If you do all that, you should be ok.

Then test and track for best results. Keep what works, and always try little things to compete with your control piece, to improve your clickthrough and sellthrough ratios.

Michael Campbell


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*IMNewswatch would like to thank Michael Campbell for granting permission to reprint the latest newsletter.





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