‘MSN, Yahoo & Google Agree on Sitemap Format’ – Campbell’s Latest Article
Michael Campbell’s latest ‘Internet Marketing Secrets’ Blog article titled “MSN, Yahoo & Google Agree on Sitemap Format” is reprinted here. [Read Article]
Michael Campbell’s latest ‘Internet Marketing Secrets’ Blog article is reprinted here.
MSN, Yahoo & Google Agree on Sitemap Format
It’s official. The big three search engines have finally agreed on a Sitemap protocol.
What are Sitemaps? According to the now official website, “Sitemaps are an easy way for webmasters to inform search engines about pages on their sites that are available for crawling.”
Or put another way, it’s a simple XML file that lists all the pages of a site. It also contains other metadata, like when it was last updated, how often it usually changes, and how important each of the pages are.
(Of course using the Sitemap protocol does not guarantee your page will get indexed. But it does help the spiders do a better job of crawling your site.)
Sitemap 0.90 is built upon the Sitemaps 0.84 standard, which was created by Yahoo and Google. The new 0.90 gains even wider acceptance, as the protocol is now officially supported by Microsoft.
New Sitemaps Protocol ==> http://www.sitemaps.org
Building a List
Have you written any articles on building a list. Things like what software is best for creating forms, managing the list, etc. ~ Kieran
Yes, I’ve written extensively on list building, creating the forms, and managing your readership. There is an entire category devoted to it, here in the IMS Blog.
Newsletter Publishing ==> http://homepage.mac.com/dmcorp/C1919836102/
There’s also a report in the Clickin’ it Rich download area called, “Top 10 Tips for a Profitable Newsletter. You can grab it any time you want.
Download the Top 10 Newsletter Tips ==> http://www.clickinitrich.com/cir/newslettertips.pdf
Go ahead and read both the blog’s newsletter category and the PDF report, then if you have questions about specific processes or concepts, go ahead and ask. I’ll do my best to answer them for you.
Michael Campbell

Did you like this newsletter? Now you can get the same ideas the pro’s use, including tips, tricks and sneaky strategies, when you subscribe to Michael Campbell’s Internet Marketing Secrets Newsletter. Subscribe now and get two of Michael’s best-selling ebooks “Clickin’ it Rich” and “Revenge of the Mininet” as bonuses, just for signing up.

Campbell’s tips are in PDF format. You will need Adobe Acrobat to read the tips. Download a Free Acrobat Reader
*IMNewswatch would like to thank Michael Campbell for granting permission to reprint the latest articles.
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