Michael Campbell’s latest ‘Internet Marketing Secrets’ newsletter is reprinted here. The featured article is titled “Keyword Marketing Part 2 – Linking Strategies”. [Newsletter]

Michael Campbell’s latest ‘Internet Marketing Secrets’ newsletter is reprinted here.

Internet Marketing Secrets Issue #112 – December 07 2006

In this Issue:

– Keyword Marketing Part 2

– Linking Strategies.

– My favorite sources for SEO news and gossip.

– Adding social bookmarking to your marketing.

– Quintura, the new one-click search engine.

– Stacking multiple Mininets with one host.

Search Engine Press and SEO News Sources

Every day I get a flurry of email, which usually starts with, “Did you hear about? What do you know about? What’s your opinion on? Do you think this will?”

There’s lots of reporters hanging around. Lurking around the blogs, press releases, forums, email and fax machines.

The reporters love spreading breaking stories like, Danny Sullivan leaves Search Engine Watch. AOL to be sold. Google purchases dMarc Broadcasting. The new radio AdWords. Apple’s new cell phone….

Sure there’s lots of cool and interesting ideas out there. But every spring I survey you, my readers, to find out what it is that you want.

Only 31% of you wanted news. That’s why I focus this newsletter on what 58% of you, said that you want… strategies and tactics that you can use today. Not what may be coming down the pike six months from now.

It’s easy to spend half a day reading all the blogs and press releases. After which you’ll probably have a whole lot of conjecture, speculation and a big headache. 😉

So if I hear about something that you can apply to your online marketing efforts, I’ll tell you about it right away.

But as for the breaking tech news of the day, until there’s an actionable strategy, it’s just news… info that’s not necessarily important to your internet marketing efforts.

So for the 31% of you who want the news. Here are a dozen places – in no particular order – that I frequent instead of watching too much TV.

1) John Battelle ==> http://www.battellemedia.com

2) Google’s Own ==> http://googleblog.blogspot.com

3) Matt Cutts ==> http://www.mattcutts.com/blog

4) Sullivan ==> http://www.searchengineland.com

5) SEO Tools & Chat ==> http://www.seochat.com

6) Aaron’s SEO Book ==> http://www.seobook.com

7) For Geeks & Nerds ==> http://www.slashdot.org

8) Robert Scoble ==> http://www.scobleizer.com

9) WebProNews ==> http://www.webpronews.com

10) Silicon Valley ==> http://www.valleywag.com

11) New Products ==> http://www.techcrunch.com

12) Popular Blogs ==> http://technorati.com/pop/blogs

Keyword Marketing Part #2 – Linking Strategies

On the topic of “focusing on what the majority of you want” according to the survey, most of you want insight into building content sites. SEO tips. Ideas for generating AdSense and affiliate revenue. More Marketing tips. PPC and landing page tips. And Mininet strategies like this free downloadable report on Keyword Marketing.

This is part two of the minicourse we started in issue #110. In the first half of the course, we discovered how to find a niche, research it, and dominate it, with little effort and just a handful of websites.

In the second half, we’ll go into the fundamentals of SEO and getting organic search traffic. We’ll also take a hard look at the internal linking structure, to maximize our PageRank, and aim our link popularity to the pages that matter most.

But instead of sending it by email, it’s now a 10 page downloadable report. No squeeze page, no hoops, or a single hitch. This mini course is free for all to download, learn and benefit from. All you need to do is read it and apply what you’ve learned to your websites.

Keyword Marketing by Michael Campbell How to Generate Affiliate Revenue with Organic Search

Click ==> http://www.cdzn.com/KeywordMarketing.pdf

Add Social Bookmarking to Your Marketing

Social Bookmarking and tagging, is becoming a popular marketing tactic. But if it’s not done right, you can get into trouble.

Just last week I received a new report on social bookmarking by Gregg Hall. And Gregg has allowed me to share it with all of you.

In case you don’t know Gregg, he’s currently the #3 author at Ezine Articles, and has been marketing online for over 10 years. He spends most of his time, studying traffic generation strategies. He tells me that he’s been, “Employing tagging and social bookmarking over the past year with great results.”

So if you’ve been wondering what all the fuss is about, and want to learn more about social bookmarking, then this report is for you. It offers an excellent introduction and overview, on this new way to promote your websites.

Download the Social Bookmarking and Tagging Report:

Click ==> http://www.cdzn.com/Tagging2007.pdf

Quintura… The New One Click Search Engine

Many search engines are starting to employ LSI (latent semantic indexing) as part of their algorithms. Here’s one that not only uses it, but displays it.

Quintura is a visual search engine. You type in a word and get a cloud of results. You then navigate the cloud and can refine it as you go. You get to see the semantic relationships among the words.

Unlike keyword-based search, that returns too many irrelevant results, Quintura often finds what your looking for with one click. It’s also great for exploring all related branches of a topic, or if you’re not completely sure of what it is that you’re looking for.

According to the Quintura FAQs, “”The map shows only those words that have close contextual relationships with the keywords in your query. Click a word to change your query and get relevant results that will comply with your new query.

The size of a word shows its significance in relation to the query. The larger words have a strong contextual relationship with your query while the smaller words do not.””

Quintura is one to watch. They’ve already found investors in Mangrove Capital. They’re the same dudes that invested in Skype in its early days. So the handwriting is on the wall, if you ask me.

Yahoo continues to flounder with no clear leadership or direction. Google’s becoming a media company and branching out into print and radio. MSN is quietly working on .net and their upcoming “Battle for the Desktop OS.”

So there’s plenty of room for a new search engine on the block. And frankly, it’s about time. I’m really tired of the old ones.

Quintura for Visual Search==> http://www.quintura.com

Stacking Multiple Mininets on One Host

Want the answer to this question and others like it? Get the FAQs, important news and helpful articles on the IMS Blog. Latest posts include:

1) The true value of incoming links.

2) Stacking multiple Mininets on one host.

3) Are Dynamic Linking & nofollow the same?

4) Keywords in a flux? Change is normal.

5) Make the site, then join the affiliate program.

IMS Blog ==> http://homepage.mac.com/dmcorp/index.html

WebLink ==> Click

That’s it for this issue my friend. Thank you for reading. We’ll chat again soon. Until then, here’s wishing you all the best for online success.

Michael Campbell

IMS Blog ==> http://homepage.mac.com/dmcorp/index.html

WebLink ==> Click

Legal stuff…

Copyright 2006 Dynamic Media Corporation. All rights reserved world wide. All trademarks and servicemarks are property of their respective owners.

The information contained in this newsletter is the opinion of the author based on his personal observations and years of experience. Neither the author or publisher assume any liability whatsoever for the use of or inability to use any or all of the information contained in this publication. Use this information at your own risk.

Privacy Policy: I never sell, rent, trade or lend any information about my subscribers to anyone, for any reason, whatsoever. I assure you that your privacy is respected and well protected.


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*IMNewswatch would like to thank Michael Campbell for granting permission to reprint the latest newsletters.





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