Allan Wilson’s latest article titled “The Problem With Private Label Articles” is reprinted here. [Article]

Allan Wilson’s latest article is reprinted here.

The Problem With Private Label Articles

First of all private labelling is nothing new. A lot of our every day materials we use such as paint, food items, drinks, and just about anything else you can think of has had some kind of private labelling history.

Basically the same product being sold with different packaging.

Web hosting is another easy example to draw from. Web hosting reseller plans sell the same hosting service to others under a different name.

Again… The same product being sold with different packaging.

Dropshipping has been around for ages and it does the same thing. You sell the item under your name and the dropshipper delivers the product with your labelling on it.

Once again… Same product being sold with different packaging

And so now we have private label articles.

Again this is nothing new. People have been paying ghostwriters for website or book content for a very long time. The only difference now is that private label membership sites share the concept and make it affordable for the little guy to get niche content for their websites or blogs.

Of course by sharing the articles among the membership group is seen as diluting the effectiveness of the articles. But there are simple ways around this problem.

The biggest problem why most people fail to make money from private label articles is quite incredulous and perhaps even a little humorous.

The articles are gathering dust on their computers!

Guess what?

Articles on your computer = no money !

These articles provide priceless value if used in the same manner as all other private labelling items.

Provide different packaging!

Most people just use them as they are. This can work if mixed with other content but one of the quickest ways to look different is by just changing the title.

Think about how many others are generating websites with the same title in the URL address. By changing the title of every private label article you get, you are instantly providing different packaging and it only takes a few seconds per article to achieve.

If this was all you were to do then your efforts will see improved results.

Of course there are other things you can do.

Some complain about the various quality of some articles. But this should be used to your advantage. Most people just won’t put that extra 10% of effort in to make their private label article appear to have different packaging.

By correcting any grammar or spelling mistakes you instantly have a unique article compared to everyone else.

You can add sub-headers to your articles. A table of contents. Use 2 or 3 articles on the same page. Mix and match article paragraphs. Mix in advertising or quotes of the day and on and on we could go…

There are plenty of ways to provide different packaging for the same product with no one (including search engines) being any the wiser. So much so it could be considered to be unique content.

The two biggest problems with private label articles is not the articles themselves but the ‘store them away and do something with them later mentality’ – and the lack of imagination when using them.

I hope this helps to spark your creative juices and profit potential with the private label articles you already have.

Allan Wilson specializes in providing private label articles and reports. In fact he is now supplying 1000 articles monthly and still growing. Exclusive private label health and home improvement articles and bonus non-exclusive niche articles as well. If you need content for your websites, blogs, ecourses, newsletters or ebooks then visit Allan’s site at:

*IMNewswatch would like to thank Allan Wilson for granting permission to reprint the latest article.

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