‘Avoid These Fatal Online Mistakes That Can Kill Your Business’ – Google Cash Lesson
Chris Carpenter’s ‘Google Cash’ Lesson titled “Avoid These Fatal Online Mistakes That Can Kill Your Business” is reprinted here. [Google Cash Lesson]
Chris Carpenter’s ‘Google Cash’ lesson is reprinted here.
Avoid These Fatal Online Mistakes That Can Kill Your Business
Newbies commonly fall prey to the following Online mistakes. I suggest you put this list up On a wall and consult it every time you want to Make a business move.
1. Lumping all your keywords for a given Campaign into a single group O.K., so you found 100 keywords you think Will work for your campaign. The things is, They can usually be broken down into subgroups That are more sharply related to each other.
For example, your subject may be tennis, but Related keywords include tennis equipment, Tennis clothes, tips on particular strokes, etc.
Break your list down into highly related Sub groups and you’ll reach a more targeted Audience. Those people looking for tennis Equipment can hone in on your ads that offer That.
Breaking down your master list into sub groups Enables you to have separate landing pages for Each sub group. Which will help more prospects Respond to your offers.
2. Not using square brackets around keywords Or phrases For example, putting brackets around the Phrase [antique tennis racquets] will show your Ad if and only if the keyword phrase antique Tennis racquets is searched for. Other related Tennis terms are eliminated.
3. Not tracking your results Google Adwords is not a set-and-forget System. You need to know which keywords are Profitable and which are not. Once you know This, shift your budget so you can put more Emphasis on the most profitable keywords.
4. Having a sloppy web site A sloppy web site leaves a bad taste in Reader’s mouth. If you don’t have time to pay Attention to detail on your site, how can he Trust you to take care of him?
On your site, that means taking care of Proper grammar, and making sure all the links Work. Speaking of links, please note: The More times you ask reader to click away to Hear an audio, or click to a list of testimonials, Or anything that requires him to click away Before getting to the end of your message, The higher the likelihood that you will lose Him. Keep your pages simple.
5. Not using the review technique to sell Something If reader perceives you as a reviewer, he Views you as more objective, less biased, and More likely to be telling the truth. For example, When promoting an affiliate product or service, Write like a reviewer might and watch your Sales rocket up.
Even many pros miss this point.
6. Receiving traffic from UNTARGETED Sources like pop-unders, safelists, free for all Links, etc. You waste your time and reader’s if your Traffic is not targeted, that is, from someone Looking for your exact product or service.
7. Failing to plan Do you slap up a Google Ad or minisite, Then sit back and wait for a response? Not Good enough. In order to succeed, you need a Plan. For example, when you receive an Order, do you direct customer to your Autoresponder series?
Or, when you get a Question, do you direct reader to your FAQ Page? Do you try to upsell existing customers? Do you know the number of messages you Want reader to be exposed to? If so, set them Up in advance.
8. Over analyzing You just finished reading an ebook about Writing a sales letter. It seems complete. It Walks you from A-Z. But instead of writing a practice letter To see to see the response and determine How much you learned, you begin a one-year Hunt for everything about writing a sales Letter.
Sometimes you learn by doing. Granted, You can never learn too much. But enough Is enough.
Of course, it is fear that keeps you from Getting on with it. You must recognize that And press on if you really want to get Somewhere with your business.
9. Not focusing You’ve got a system down well enough to Improve profits. But suddenly you receive Another email promising you the sky. Trouble is, this new subject has nothing to Do with the original subject.
So instead of getting on with the first Subject, you waste months or years chasing Rainbows.
Put the new things on hold. Focus and Learn to do one thing at a time. Then take What you learn and apply it to the next thing, But (a very important but) only after the First project is on autopilot.
10. Not being organized Even if you use a cardboard box, get a Bunch of 8 ½ x 11 manila folders and (very Important) keep every single subject related To your topic in a separate and labeled Folder. That way you don’t waste needless Hours hunting for things.
11. Giving up too soon Succeeding requires patience. As long as You are moving in the right direction, that is, Building your business, press on. It is Natural that things are slow at first. But you Have to crawl before you can walk.
Sometimes, it is best to keep what you are Trying to accomplish to yourself. Negative People (and there are plenty of them) can Throw you off track and hold you down. Refuse to let that happen.
Avoid these costly mistakes and watch Your business grow.
Chris Carpenter
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*IMNewswatch would like to thank Chris Carpenter for granting permission to reprint the latest lessons.
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