Michael Campbell’s latest ‘Internet Marketing Secrets’ Blog article titled “How Often Do Mininets Need Updating?” is reprinted here. [Article]

Michael Campbell’s latest ‘Internet Marketing Secrets’ Blog article is reprinted here.

How Often Do Mininets Need Updating?

I have a question about your 5-10 page minisites, that you link together in a mininet. Do you update them monthly to keep them fresh for the search engines, or is this not required? ~ Wesley

Very good question. Once my sites are created and they’re slowly creeping up the rankings, usually they end up in a top five spot and get “parked” there. Unless someone really knows what they’re doing, it’s almost impossible for anyone to bump me from the top spots.

(Sometimes there are unforeseen circumstances that force me to make changes. Sometimes the affiliate program will shut down, or move, or use a different management company. Then I have to make changes, at least to the affiliate links.)

After that, I only make slight modifications to the pages. Perhaps once a year or so. But I do try to get at least one new incoming link per week, to at least one of the sites in the mininet. This could come from a search directory, blog, or another web property that I own.

With my large Authority sites for AdSense revenue, they are in competitive categories. So yes, I add Article Underground content to these sites, three or four times per week.

It’s the opposite for the affiliate revenue mininets though. Since we focus on niches with little competition, we can just set up the sites and let em’ run. Then when you have time, create another minisite on a related topic and link it into the ring.

As long as we have search engines, and they reward you for linking to related topics, the mininet strategy will continue to work extremely well.

Michael Campbell


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*IMNewswatch would like to thank Michael Campbell for granting permission to reprint the latest articles.





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