Dan Kennedy’s ‘Successful Marketing Strategies’ tip is titled “Why are These Companies Excellent?”. [Marketing Tip]

Dan Kennedy’s ‘Successful Marketing Strategies’ tip is titled “Why are These Companies Excellent?”.

Why are These Companies Excellent?

Kennedy says, “In keeping with the all important concept of the value of customers that I talked about in your previous email, I want to talk just a little about the few truly excellent American companies I carefully observe and respect and why their so successful.

First, let’s talk a little about the lack of excellence and one great place to find that is the hospitality industry. The hotel and motel industry is, in my opinion, the most screwed up, poorly managed, insensitive, uncaring industry there is. I travel a lot and my company’s booked media rooms and convention space in hotels all across the country. Almost all of them rate between poor and awful and in terms of valuing the customer most have no understanding of this idea whatsoever. The exceptions are so notable that I can actually remember the details. Most of the hotel executives and employees dealing with meetings and conventions make the same mistake as the bookstore owner I talked about earlier. They think business is based on the facilities, the brass railings, the marble in the bathrooms, the rates, the financial statements, they forget that their business is customers and customer service.

At the Opryland Hotel in Nashville, Tennessee they give gold guitar shaped lapel pins to the guests who are running meetings. Every hotel employee is taught that a guest wearing one of these pins is a valued, important client with special needs under the pressure of running a meeting. The hotel employees are taught to respond quickly to these pin wearing VIP’s. Why don’t all hotels copy this idea?”

[email with subject: Why are These Companies Excellent?]

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