Brett McFall and Tom Hua have released “3 videos about the biggest mistake most people make on the internet.” The latest ‘World Internet Summit’ blog with the three videos is titled “Merry Christmas To The Internet World”. [Video]

Brett McFall and Tom Hua have released “3 videos about the biggest mistake most people make on the internet.”

The latest ‘World Internet Summit’ blog with the three videos is titled “Merry Christmas To The Internet World”.

Three Videos: Biggest Mistake People Make on The Internet

McFall and Hua say, “Tom Hua and I would like to wish you a very Merry Christmas … no matter where in the world you are.

Even if you’re not someone who celebrates Christmas, you know what the sentiment is really all about – coming together, enjoying eachother, relaxing, sharing, and perhaps reflecting back on your year … or even focusing on the future. And that’s a good thing no matter where in the world you are reading this from right now.

You’re on our database, and so chances are you’ve received an email or two from us. Hopefully this year we’ve helped you… entertained you … or just made you think about your future in some little way. Either way, we hope you’re dreams come true.

And so here’s a little gift that’s worth more than any under your tree: 3 videos about the biggest mistake most people make on the internet.

Why’s it important? Because knowing the mistakes that most people make, can help you avoid them. Can help you choose the better path”. [Source ]

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Watch Three Videos: Biggest Mistake on The Internet

‘World Internet Summit’ Blog

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