Rick & Ron Davies’ ‘ClickBank Affiliate Guru Series’ lesson titled “Building Your Identity On The Web” is reprinted here. [ClickBank Affiliate Lesson]

Rick & Ron Davies’ ClickBank Affiliate Guru Series’ lesson is reprinted here.

Building Your Identity On The Web

Let’s look at what building a brand on the web means, and the advantages of building brand identity.

McDonalds, Sears, Home Depot, Yahoo!, Ebay, Amazon. All of these stores and web sites have built their brand recognition to the point where they are all pretty much household names.

Having a brand, and promoting your site as a brand helps to build customer recognition and customer confidence. With so many websites out there, building your website around a catchy or memorable name will help your customers find you.

Promoting products as an affiliate is a great opportunity to make some serious money, but the affiliates that are serious about making money know the benefits of appearing to be an independent vendor for any given product.

This not only adds the look of exclusivity, it also builds confidence with your potential buyers that you are professional and gives you the “big company” look.

OK Mike, I know that most of us can’t afford to hire a business identity professional to help us with this…..so what can the average Joe or average Joann do?

Building a brand and doing business on the web as that brand is extremely simple.

By owning your own domain name, and hosting your site independently of the main vendor you can build all of the benefits of brand recognition, buyer confidence and perhaps most importantly, help your customers find you the next time they are shopping!

Which of the following examples would you prefer to do business with?

Website Address:

Email Address:
(this not a real email address :>)


Website Address: www.CBShopper.com

Email Address: Rick@CBShopper.com

Rick & Ron Davies

Rick Davies and his brother Ron, own and operate several work-at-home websites and affiliate products including www.1stPromotion.com and www.ProfitMart.com Both of the brothers are full-time work-at-home dads For more information on this and other articles, please contact the author at Rick@1stPromotion.com or visit the sites above”.

*IMNewswatch would like to thank Rick & Ron Davies for granting permission to reprint the latest lessons.

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