Jimmy D. Brown’s latest article titled “07 Specific Things You -MUST- Do To Make It Big In 07” is reprinted here. [Article]

Jimmy D. Brown’s latest article is reprinted here.

07 Specific Things You -MUST- Do To Make It Big In 07

There must be some reason why certain people “make it big” while others continue to struggle along with no real gains.

There is.

Whether you want to make your first thousand or your first hundred thousand, here are 7 things you must do to have a tremendous year in 2007.

*NOTE: These are in “countdown” format from 7 to 1.

7. *RESIST* distractions

I’m not a prophet, but I can predict with great certainty that you will be bombarded with more “offers” in 2007 than in any previous year. There will be product launch after product launch, the next big thing after the next big thing. You WILL drown in information if you don’t learn two simple words –

“No Thanks”.

You simply CANNOT go from one offer to the next and ever gain any momentum or see any significant results. I know, I know – these offers are enticing. Here’s the thing, though: if they don’t help you accomplish something you’re already trying to do, then they are just another distraction. Resist them.

6. *REFOCUS* your efforts

What would happen if Michael Jordan had tried to play basketball, baseball, football, soccer and golf all at the same time? He’d have probably been “good” at all of them, but “great” at none of them.

He achieved greatness by singling out what he was best at and focusing the majority of his efforts in that area.

You’ll find that this same principle applies to you and your business. If you spread yourself thin trying to do too many things you’ll most certainly do none of them well. However, if you pick ONE primary aspect of building an internet business and devote your full effort and resources towards that area, we should see you on the All-Star team this year!

Ex. Don’t try to do affiliate marketing, create your own products, eBay(R), private label resources, VRE, etc. all at the same time. Find ONE stream of income and perfect it before moving on to something else.

5. *REACT* positively to setbacks

Yes, I’m gonna get rah-rah here for just a moment and play the part of your personal cheerleader. 🙂

Listen, there’s not a one of us who’ve had any level of success online who hasn’t had our share of setbacks, failures and flops. I know I have. The problem isn’t if you get knocked down, but rather when you fail to get back up.

You’ll waste money this year on useless products. You’ll regret the way you used part of your time. You’ll face a great disappointment. You’ll fall flat.

Don’t stay down. Refuse to give in. Stand up and get back to work on making this YOUR year.

Okay, enough of the pep talk. 🙂

4. *REWARD* yourself

It always amazes me when I ask someone “what would you do if you made all the money you want this year” and I hear comments like…

– I’d go fishing. – I’d play tennis. – I’d relax at the lake. – I’d read more books.

And so forth.

The question I then ask is, “why can’t you do that NOW?!”

Life is too short – way too short – to let it pass you by. Many of the things you enjoy doing can be done RIGHT NOW if you set aside time to do them.

What is the real measure of success – making money or enjoying your life? I’ll let you decide.

3. *RESPOND* to appropriate offers

Having warned you previously about the dangers of buying every new “offer of the week”, let me emphatically state that there ARE times when you SHOULD respond with a “Yes” to certain offers.

And then time is –

“When the offer will HELP you do something you’re already trying to do, especially when YOU seek out the offer.”

For Example: If you’re wanting to start your own affiliate program, then by all means by a course that teaches you how to do so…but DON’T buy a course that teaches you how to buy and sell “virtual real estate.”

You need to purchase materials that will help you complete the task you’re trying to finalize, and avoid things that take you away from the task you’re trying to finalize.

See the difference?

2. *REMEMBER* to manage

The problem for most people is learning how to implement all of the components of internet marketing (You know the drill: list-building, affiliate links, web sites, traffic, etc.) into one day-by-day workable plan.

That’s where it falls to pieces for most people. They’ve got all of these ideas and all of this information and all of these new enticing offers in their faces simultaneously…

And they don’t know what to do next.

It’s not about “marketing”, it’s about “management”.

You need – above everything else – to figure out how to MANAGE your internet business and all of its components so you can systematically build your business one step at a time, one day at a time.

FOr more details on this, visit http://www.ListAndTraffic.com/ecoaching

1. *RECEIVE* personalized training

Let me ask you a simple question: which of these would you prefer…

(a) A map

(b) A tour guide

Listen, one of the reasons why building a successful internet business is so challenging is because there is an abundance of “maps”, but very few “tour guides”.

Ebooks, reports, audios, videos, articles – these are a dime a dozen. But where is someone you can talk to, ask questions to, get advice from, get customized help for YOU and YOUR business?

That’s a bit harder to find, isn’t it?

Especially at a price you can reasonably afford.

Yet, getting someone to personally SHOW you how to do it is an important, if not required, piece of the puzzle.

I encourage you to find a mentor this year. Maybe it will be me, maybe it will be someone else. It really doesn’t matter as long as you find someone who is willing to invest time into YOU PERSONALLY. Not an entire group of people on a call, but rather interact with YOU one-on-one.

That’s what will ultimately help you more than anything else you do in the next 12 months – to have someone who’s already learned the ropes actually work with you personally to teach them to you.

(Note: I can only help 50 people if I’m going to PERSONALLY interact with YOU, so you’ll want to reserve a spot quickly if you want in – http://www.ListAndTraffic.com/ecoaching/


If you do these seven things that we’ve looked at here in this article, then there’s no reason why you can’t “make it big” in 2007.

The important thing is to remember that information is just information until you act on it. What you’ve read are just words on a computer screen (or on paper if you printed this out) that have no real value until you put them into practice.

Best regards,

Jimmy D. Brown


Jimmy D. Brown will personally show you how he runs his business and will work with you one-on-one to create a custom-tailored plan of action to build your online business in only 3 hours a day. 4-week e-coaching at www.ListAndTraffic.com/ecoaching

*IMNewswatch would like to thank Jimmy D. Brown for granting permission to reprint the latest article.

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