Read Charles Heflin’s latest ‘SEO 20/20 blog article titled “Why are Web Stats Important?”. [Blog Article]

Charles Heflin’s latest ‘SEO 20/20 blog article is reprinted here.


Why are Web Stats Important?

It has puzzled my why there are so many webmasters out there that don’t have access to their website statistics (web stats). I guess it is a testament to all of the haphazard information floating about that teaches the aspiring webmaster bits and pieces without the whole picture.

Tying different facts about SEO, SEM and Internet Marketing together can be a heavy task. It has been for me as a teacher as well as a student.

It is impossible to make educated choices about the content you should include on your website if you don’t have access to your “effective keywords”. Effective Keywords are the actual queries that users are typing into the search engines to find information on your site.

If you don’t have web stats then you don’t know what your effective keywords are. This is a big mistake.

In order to make money oline you need to pay close attention to the words and phrases that people use to find your website. Further, you need to know what page of your site that people visited after using that search phrase.

You would be amazed at how many websites leave thousands of dollars on the table because they don’t pay attention to their effective keywords.

What do Effective Keywords Reveal?

The longer the phrase, the closer they are to buying –

A person that types “car stereo” is not as likely to buy as somone who types “Pioneer Premier car stereo” or “Pioneer Premier DEH-P480MP”. Your effective keywords will reveal if the content that the visitor arrives at meets with the expectations of their query.

In other words if the content of your page does not match what the visitor had queried then you don’t make a sale.

Visitor Pshychology

Effective Keywords reveal a small view of the psychology of the person visiting a web page of your site. They let you know what is on the mind of the visitor. Does your content meet their need?

New Phrases

Effective keywords can reveal an entire new strategy to the design of your website. They allow you to see where content needs to be built and the psychology of those who would read that content.

What about Visitor Duration?

If you don’t track how long visitors stay on individual pages in your website then you are making a bad move. If you have a page that people quickly back out of then it may indicate an area in your site that needs work.

It is easy to create content for a site, but making that content flow into a sale can be confusing unless you have access to web stats. Stats will reveal areas where you are loosing your visitors attention. This can have a dramatic impact on your sales.

You may have a 2% conversion from a home page click to sales. Without stats you would never know that you are loosing 50% of your visitors on page 4 when a sale is made on page 5.

Stats would reveal this problem to you.

There are many other reasons why you need stats which are covered in this article:

Web Stats Article

SEO 20/20 recently launched Stats 20/20 which is a fully functional web stats analyzer. A fully functional free trial is available. Visit Stats 20/20

Until next time,

Charles Heflin

The author Charles Heflin is dedicated to educating aspiring webmasters to create solid online businesses through proven and cutting edge strategies. For more information visit: SEO Tutorials (with videos) SEO Blog

*IMNewswatch would like to thank Charles Heflin for granting permission to reprint the latest article.

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