and Tribune Interactive have announced a partnership for Tribune Interactive’s online classifieds for general merchandise advertising. and Tribune Interactive have announced a partnership for Tribune Interactive’s online classifieds for general merchandise advertising.

The companies will launch co-branded general merchandise classifieds launch in February with, according to

The classifieds platform enables consumers to browse and place ads. classifieds platform includes a photo-upload feature, geographic filters, fraud filters, and an email anonymizer to keep email addresses private.

Rich Skrenta, CEO,, said: “ is dedicated to connecting people to their local communities ““ whether through locally targeted news, local discussion forums or classified listings. We’re happy Tribune Interactive took the leading step, and look forward to working with many more publishers to expand the classifieds network”. [source]

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About Tribune Interactive

Tribune Interactive, a subsidiary of Tribune Company, manages the interactive operations of major daily newspapers such as the Los Angeles Times, Chicago Tribune, Newsday and their associated websites.

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