Read Michael Campbell’s latest ‘Internet Marketing Secrets’ newsletter article titled “Looking for Products is a Big Mistake”. [Newsletter Reprint]

Michael Campbell’s latest ‘Internet Marketing Secrets’ newsletter is reprinted here.

Looking for Products is a Big Mistake

Dear Michael, “My biggest concern is trying to find WHAT to promote. Clickbank is saturated with competition. Everything with a good sales letter, already has a lot of competition on AdWords.

I was hoping to blast out some campaigns using the direct linking method. To find some winners (where I would then develop landing pages and expand my keywords lists) and delete the losers.

But with Google’s one URL per ad policy, I’m not going to have any chance to investigate the idea. So I have all the knowledge, but finding the products is my biggest challenge”.

Eeek! Dude! Repeat after me… do NOT look for products.

What you want to do is look for markets. Look for the unsatisfied need or want. Look for problems. Find or create a product that solves the problems, or meets the needs and wants. That’s the key to success.

To find hot markets, be sure to study the Clickin Action Plan, Keyword Hotlist and the recent Keyword Marketing report. In them, I show you exactly how to use Nichebot’s keyword research service to find markets that are starving for product.

Get your free internet marketing ebook downloads here: ==>

You might want to stay away from Clickbank… at least at first. True, lots of marketers go there. But they are experts at preselling and persuading. And yes, it’s also true that the profits are bigger on digital products…

But the bigger truth of the matter is, 65% the general public still doesn’t get it. They don’t know what an ebook is… and you can’t sell ’em one. If you’re a beginner, you’d have better luck joining the Sears affiliate program and trying to sell treadmills.

It’s sad but true, traditional publishers don’t understand ebooks… yet. They continue dragging their heals and are entrenched in the battle with Google and others, that would love to digitize the world’s content.

The book toting boneheads don’t realize the massive “long-tail” inventory of out-of-print books that could be revitalized. People would buy the books. Google could put ads on the search. Advertisers could buy those ads and reach a bigger audience. Sigh!

They seem oblivious to the fact that Google video and YouTube have taken off. So has audio with podcasting. But the dirt world publishers have their sphincters wound tighter than the binding on a hard cover novel. I digress… but I think you see the point.

I also wouldn’t bother with the direct to merchant linking. You’re handing most of the revenue to the advertiser. Even worse, you don’t end up building a business that way. ALWAYS use landing pages to presell the visitor.

Avoid “expanding your keyword list” and using the same landing page for a whole bunch of ads. Customize your landing pages to match the tone and language of a tight little group of PPC ads. That way, your ADLAN (ad and landing page combo) can increase conversions by over 380%. Your milage may vary 😉

And one more thing, always TRY to capture the visitor’s contact info before they leave your site. I use the AWeber system to do this. It’s the most reliable, easiest, cost effective tool to capture visitor sign ups and send unlimited follow ups.

Aweber Emailer System ==>

All it takes, is to cut and paste two lines of html code. What you end up with is a two line form, similar to the one on the Internet Marketing Secrets (IMS) home page. Study this one… it gets a 63% conversion.

Sign-Up Form Sample: ==>

Then as I wrote in the 200 Page Challenge, “Send your readers a little something, a short note or newsletter, at least once every two weeks. The revenue from these back end sales, can be 400% more than the initial front end sale. As you communicate with your readers, you build trust and friendship. Respect the relationship and they’ll continue to buy through your links for years to come.”

Download the 200 Page Challenge PDF: ==>

Internet Marketing Secret: Every four to six months, poll your customers. They’ll tell you what they want. These are the easiest sales that you’ll ever make.

That’s it for this issue my friend. Thank you for reading. We’ll chat again soon. Until then, here’s wishing you all the best for online success.

Michael Campbell


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Michael Campbell


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*IMNewswatch would like to thank Michael Campbell for granting permission to reprint the latest newsletter.

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