‘Who Is James Granstaff?’- Pohlit’s Article
Raed Steve Pohlit’s latest ‘Blogging For Profits’ article titled “Who Is James Granstaff?”. [Blogging For Profits Article]
Steve Pohlit’s latest ‘Blogging For Profits’ article titled “Who Is James Granstaff?” is reprinted here.
Blogging For Profits
Who Is James Granstaff?
Ok, I knew it was only a matter of time before some “smart marketer” finally figured this out.I discovered James when I said “ you know maybe I ought to create a video teaching my Blogging for Profitsmembers how to registe a domain name and how to register for a hosting account and” ….well you get the idea.
Trust me when I say:
“What this guy (James Grandstaff) is doing will have many successful marketers scrambling to implement his brilliant idea into their current marketing mix.”
Before I tell you exactly what he’s doing…
Let’s pretend for a minute that you’re new to the world of trying to make money online.
You probably belong to several other “Lists.” If the list owner is doing their job, they are providing you with a balanced dose of useful content along with offers for products that will help you on your quest for financial freedom.
But here lies the problem…
Take a minute right now and think about your “mindset” as you’re going through your emails.
You have one “clickin’ happy finger” on the delete button and your eyes are scanning for a well crafted subject line that catches your attention. Maybe you’re looking for an email from your favorite guru or a newsletter that you subscribe to. It doesn’t really matter.
What matters is…
Going through your email isn’t as much fun as when you first got online, is it?
Do you remember when you got your first email?
If you’re anything like me, you were ecstatic. And I bet you told all your friends about it
““ “That’s Right, Got My First Email Today.”
Well, that was a long time ago. The problem now is we’re hit with 1,000 spam emails per day and checking email just isn’t as fun or effective anymore.
The biggest reason it’s not as effective isdue to our minds being closed to accepting new and helpful information.
Just the other day I received an email froma subscriber who said the site I sent them to wasn’t really free (there was an offer presented upon registration.)
I politely responded…
“Why don’t you skip the offer, since it didn’t interest you, and go inside the member’s area and listen to the free audio interviews from the featured experts?”
I truly believe this subscriber responded that way because she had her guard up. Had the information been presented in a different format she may have been more accepting of the message and therefore benefited from it.
Not to worry”“it’s all good, because…
James Grandstaff has come up with a solution.
His new podcast called “The Ask James Podcast” enables you to get your questions answered when the time is right for you; when your “head is right” so to speak 🙂
One of the reasons James came up with idea is because of all the “clutter” and “noise” that keeps filling our inboxes and distracting us.
His podcast solves that problem by providing answers to his listeners questions when they’re away from the noisy inbox. And I think it’s a brilliant idea.
But there’s more to it…
James won’t be the only who answers the questions of his listeners. On occasion, he will be inviting big name famous marketers to help answer some questions during a show.
So if you have a question about marketing or making money online, or list building, or whatever. You could potentially have a guru like Mark Joyner or Mike Filsaime answer your question. I know for a fact Mark Joyner charges $2,000 per hour for phone consultation. Imagine if he answered your single biggest question regarding creating wealth online”“for free!
I think you get the idea 🙂
The next step is to check it out for yourself.
When you get to the site:
1) Register for free
2) Submit your question to James
3) Claim your free gift valued at $37
4) Listen and enjoy the show!
Go here: Ask James Grandstaff
To Your Success!
P.S. One thing I should make clear is that just because you submit your question to James doesn’t mean that it WILL be answered during an episode.
Either way, you’re still going to learn a lot from the questions that your fellow listeners ask.
Click Here: Ask James Grandstaff
Steve Pohlit
Steve Pohlit, Business Consultant
Register for The Blogging for Business Profits Series At Steve Reports and while you are there you are invited to register to have all posts to Steve’s blog delivered right to your email.
Steve Pohlit has more than 20 years experience running very large and medium sized companies. Steve now consults personally with clients to design and implement processes that will deliver improved business performance for the long term. Most projects are self-funding within 90 days. The client then experiences a very high return on investment. Learn more about the process of How To Increase Profits by 30% or More In 90 Days or Less by visiting Stevepohlit.com or you can call 727-587-7871 and speak with Steve directly. Have a question? Click Here To Visit Ask The Consultant
* IMNewswatch would like to thank Steve Pohlit for granting permission to reprint this latest article.
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