
Jason DeVelvis’ latest blog post is titled “Brad Fallon Spammed By Robert Puddy?”. Jason DeVelvis’ new blog post discusses the power of networking at offline events, and tells a funny story about Brad Fallon and Robert Puddy. [Blog]


Jason says, “So I’ve been away for the better part of two weeks, going to seminars. I went to the StomperNet/JV Alert Live event in Orlando two weekends ago, and met a ton of people I’d worked with or spoken to, but never actually met in person. I also met a ton of others who I’d only heard of.

I met Robert Puddy, Liz Tomey and her husband Jamie, Jeff Dedrick, Stuart Halpryn, Sterling Valentine, Willie Crawford, Ken McArthur, and a slew of others all for the first time, and saw a ton of other people I’d met at other events. I was up ’till about 3am the first night with Liz, Robert, Jeff, and others networking and doing business deals, and 4:30am the second night with Willie and Ken and a group of others”. Read the complete post

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