
Josh Anderson has Launched ‘Greatest Web Video Effect Ever’.


Sales Letter

‘Greatest Web Video Effect Ever’ sales letter title:


Features and Benefits

The sales letter has listed the features and benefits of ‘Greatest Web Video Effect Ever’.

Josh says, “Here are a few of the things you will discover:

  • Three snippets of code to copy and paste into your web page. that make flash video alpha channels transparent (like the effect at the top of this page)
  • Step by Step Video showing you how to edit, save, and convert, and embed alpha channels (transparent video effect) in your flash videos.
  • Step by Step Video on How to create invisible unblockable, cross browser compatible pop-ins that you can embed transparent videos in with a number of different effects including drop in, slide in, bounce, fade in, and best of all scroll follow so that your video is always in front of your prospect! Plus a secret line of code you need to make invisible pop-ins with transparent video effects work.
  • Step by Step Video on How to build pro soft box lamps, lighting arrays, lamp stands, frameworks all using parts from local hardware and home improvement stores on a shoestring budget. Video examples and step by step instructions that will literally save you hundreds of dollars on professional lighting.
  • Tips, instructions and diagrams on how to properly light video… I actually had a professional video producer who has worked for CNN, PBS, BBC, and the Discovery Channel write a special report on lighting specially for this package… you can see a sample video he produced for me at my new site:
  • How to build chromakey sets the right way for special effects and full body walk in videos using nothing more than inexpensive parts from the hardware store with, paint, paper, or fabric.
  • Three essential things you must consider before purchasing a video camera. If you know these things it could save you from wasting hundreds or even thousands of dollars buying the wrong camera.
  • Microphones and other accessories… where to find the best deals and how to decide what you need. I have literally saved thousands with these tips and you can too.
  • Plus… you will get exclusive access to updates, tips, tricks, and freebies via the members only newsletter and podcast”.


The price of ‘Greatest Web Video Effect Ever’ is: $27


Josh says, “‘Greatest Web Video Effect Ever’ comes with fast action bonuses.

Bonus #1

13 comprehensive step by step training videos on audio editing, music mixing, and layering showing you how to create killer web site audio tracks and background music layers with Audacity (the best free audio editing software available). Click here to listen to an example of the kind of audio you will be able to learn how to produce.

Bonus #2

10 video tutorials on the basics of html, web site design, template editing, and uploading. Also for those that need it access to a comprehensive and easy to follow written web site design and html training course. This is a special bonus I am including to help those who are just getting started online and need a little extra training. Many of my clients have learned how to build their first web sites from this information.

Bonus #3

For those of you who just want someone to encode chromakey (green or blue screen) videos that you have filmed and provide you the code to embed transparent videos and pop-in effects in your web site I will offer a limited discount service. As my schedule permits you can pay me to get the job done for you or a client at a severe discount”.


‘Greatest Web Video Effect Ever’ has a 30-day, 100% money-back guarantee.

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‘Greatest Web Video Effect Ever’ Sales Letter

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