Richard East’s email is reprinted here.

OMS3: A Process Map That You Absolutely Must Download Now

As we near the end of the “Process Maps Revealed” promotion, I wanted to reveal another little bonus to “sweeten the pot,” so to speak.

We have a process that we use for generating instant revenue whenever we need extra funds for a larger project. This has proven itself to be an extremely reliable process time and time again…we call it “Blueprint to $115,000.”

We have taught this process to a few separate groups during the past year and the results have been outstanding. It is an entire system.

If done alone…this is a great way to develop serious revenue online…but when enhanced with many of the other strategies that we will outline in our advanced training…there is no limit to the possibilities.

I have provided you a link that directs you to a process map of all of the sections that this bonus includes…not to mention that this system has a total of over 12 hours and 45 minutes of pure training.

Click to download the “Blueprint to 5,000” Process Map

I will walk you through exactly how we go about implementing different elements of our business as they pertain to this Process Map. And I will step you through 20 separate individual Process Maps so that you get a 100% understanding of what to do during each step of the process.

This bonus will be released one week at a time over the course of 4 weeks…as there is a ton of content to get through…and this way…you won’t have to dedicate a huge amount of time consuming this all at once.

We will later release this system as a stand alone product in the price range of about $197-$247… (we are still testing price point)…but we are offering this as a bonus to everyone that purchases “Process Maps Revealed” before March 31st, along with the other bonuses that have been discussed…not to mention 6 weeks of my upcoming coaching club.

There are 2 days remaining for this offer…to take advantage of about $800 of raw value for $97. Again, I have made it clear as to why we are doing this… and I hope to see you as part of this journey.

Best Regards,


P.S. Nearly 13 hours of training with our “Blueprint to $115,000” training, 6 weeks of our upcoming Coaching Club, and well over 30+ process maps (not to mention the huge number of unadvertised bonuses we have coming your way) all for $97. This is an “offer you can’t refuse.”

[email with the subject: a Process Map that you absolutely must download now…]
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