‘How to Avoid the Internet Marketing Junkyard’ – Charlie Page’s Latest Article
Read Charlie Page’s latest ‘Real World Tactics eZine’ article titled “How to Avoid the Internet Marketing Junkyard”. [Article Reprint]
Charlie Page’s latest ‘Real World Tactics eZine’ article is reprinted here.
How to Avoid the Internet Marketing Junkyard
Have you noticed how many programs come and go on the Internet? Ever wonder why?
They say that the majority of small businesses fail during their first two years. On the Internet it’s more like the first 90 days.
How can programs that seem so hot today be gone tomorrow?
And how can you avoid wasting time on programs that promise the moon only to deliver disappointment?
Here are three ways to spot a business that will pass the test of time, and avoid those that are destined for the Internet marketing junkyard.
===> Is The Product Good?
Companies that focus on recruiting instead of providing great products and services will fail in the long run. These companies always seem like the next big thing, and end up in the junkyard every time.
If the focus is on how much money you can make by recruiting, run away as fast as you can.
To be sure, there IS a role for recruiting others into a business that you are succeeding in. A big role because sharing real success is a very good thing.
But when the site wants you to recruit before you succeed, or their program is all about recruitment, or their claims are untrue, there’s just no way that anyone will succeed except those who own the company.
No one can show you how to succeed unless they’ve done it first … period.
The BEST sites provide products and services that solve real problems, create real value, and have outstanding customer service.
===> Don’t Believe The Lies
All of these hyped up sites are going to tell you the same lies. Here are the top three lies they tell.
1. Get In Early Or You Will Lose Out.
If this were true, Corey Rudl would fail right now. The reason Corey succeeds is that his information stands the test of time. It’s not a fad, it’s not a trick, and it works. And selling his products works too.
Anytime a site is pushing you to sign up based on fear (do it now or lose your chance) it’s a sure sign they are headed for the junkyard, and you will waste time and money with them.
2. We Will Do The Work For You.
I love this one. Why in the world would anyone build a downline under you, when they could just go out and build a bigger downline under themselves?
They wouldn’t, and they won’t.
Some say that the makeup of their “matrix” means they do better by building *your* business than their own. Give me a break. If that were true, they’d build a downline under their mother, not you.
Helping is one thing. Giving advice is one thing. But when they say that they will do the work *for* you, run as fast as you can.
If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it’s a duck.
Doing the work for you, after you pay a small fee of course, is a lie every time.
3. You Won’t Have To Spend More Money.
That is, unless you are serious about your success. Those who are serious order our high quality leads, and use our oh so affordable back office.
Do you see the scam at work here? When they recruit you only to sell you leads, they are not telling the truth.
===> Stay Informed
The best way to avoid these companies is to know the truth. Sunlight is indeed the best disinfectant.
When I need to find information about a program, there is one site I visit. Here’s the address.
Use this as a starting point, and learn how to spot the telltale signs of a company that’s about to waste your time, take your money, and end up in the junkyard.
The Internet is ripe with real opportunity for those who are willing to do a little work, and learn the skills needed to succeed.
But the Net works just like the real world in this way. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
If you use your common sense, and make sure that the businesses you get involved with pass the duck test, you can look forward to a long and happy future of success on the Internet.
And that’s a beautiful thing indeed!
About the Author
Charlie Page helps people succeed in their Internet businesses. Visit Charlie at http://www.RealWorldTactics.com
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*IMNewswatch would like to thank Charlie Page for granting permission to reprint this latest article.
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