Press Release

Turn Your Knowledge Into CASH! The Price of The 60-Day Experiment Doubles on Sunday, April 15 from $47 to $97

Everyone knows that to be a really successful internet marketer, you must create your own products. But the fear factor of building a product keeps 95 percent of the people from success! The first course in The 60-Day Experiment series, named Turn Your Knowledge Into CASH!, shows subscribers step-by-step how to pull knowledge from their heads and turn it into best-selling products. On Sunday, April 15th, the course price of $47 doubles forever.

David Perdew, creator of The 60-Day Experiment, said, “I created this course because I knew there were a ton of people out there just like me who needed to learn how to market what I already know. But man, I didn’t realize there were so many people hungry to share their incredible knowledge!”

So, why the price increase? “Frankly,” Perdew says, “I’ve been undercharging for this info-packed course way too long. Some of the past students have compared this to a college course in Internet Marketing. I just can’t keep it a secret any longer.”

Perdew points to several graduates of the first course who have successfully capitalized on their passions including: Nanette Littlestone turned her love of chocolate into a unique and thriving luxury online brownie store where she sells six scrumptious morsels for close to $50. Nicolette Beard turned her passion for research into a local and online SEO consulting powerhouse. Roger Carr has used many of the marketing lessons to draw even more attention to his everyday giving philanthropy website.

Carr said, “I can’t say enough about the support I have received in the forums from the other participants. I give the Experiment an A+.” The 60-Day Experiment begins with a deep-dive into the student’s passion, fashioning a workable vision only after researching the marketplace to determine if there is, in fact, a market for the work. Then, guided and encouraged all the way by Perdew and fellow students, the student creates a product.

As an eBook or another medium, and armed with the ability to market it to his audience, the student builds his business around the knowledge he confidently shares with the world.

CONTACT INFORMATION: David Perdew President, Maximize Communications, Inc. 256.318.5202


*This news post was submitted by David Perdew.

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