‘Essential reading for serious marketers’ Ken McCarthy’s Article
Ken McCarthy’s latest article is titled “Essential reading for serious marketers”. [Article Reprint]
Ken McCarthy’s latest article is reprinted here.
Essential reading for serious marketers
Essential reading for all serious marketers…
My friend and colleague Gary Bencivenga has written a beautiful and stunningly insightful and useful tribute to the live and work of Gary Halbert, whose untimely death earlier this month shocked and saddened so many of us.
If you do nothing else this week – or this month even – make sure you invest the time in reading and studying Gary B’s article.
Gary Halbert was one of just a small handful of giants whose contributions to the field of entrepreneurial direct response advertising were so fundamental that you can’t be in our business for real unless you’ve been schooled in them.
Gary Bencivenga’s tribute to Halbert is as fine an explanation of why Gary’s life and work was so important that I can’t imagine it being stated better by anyone.
It’s Bullet #23: “The One Word That Teaches Almost Everything.”
Ken McCarthy
The System Seminar
Ken McCarthy
Ken McCarthy organized and sponsored the first conference ever held on the subject of the commercial potential of the World Wide Web. His company Amacord Inc., formerly E-Media, was one of the first Internet-based businesses in the world.
In addition to working with small and mid-sized business clients since 1993, McCarthy was a consultant to NEC’s Biglobe, the largest online service in Japan, from 1996 to 2001. His book The Internet Business Manual was the first book on web entrepreneurship published in that country. He is also credited by Hotwired magazine with being one of the people responsible for the development and popularization of the banner ad, one of the key underpinnings of commercial Internet publishing.
A graduate of Princeton University, McCarthy came to the Internet industry with a varied background which included technical consulting for two of New York’s top investment banks, lecturing on educational psychology at MIT, Columbia, and NYU, and founding and operating a number of small businesses, including one that helped produce an Academy Award winning documentary. Ken McCarthy is associated with the following blogs: Ken McCarthy’s Blog, System Video Blog and Internet Video Marketing Letter
*IMNewswatch would like to thank Ken McCarthy for granting permission to reprint the latest blog posts.
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