Michael Campbell has released the latest ‘Internet Marketing Secrets’ newsletter. The featured article is titled “The FreeIQ Beta… You Have to See to Believe”. [Newsletter Reprint]

Michael Campbell’s latest ‘Internet Marketing Secrets’ newsletter is reprinted here.

Internet Marketing Secrets

Issue #122 – April 19 2007

In this Issue: FreeIQ transforms the marketing landscape. There’s no hiding from the laws of the universe. 100 AdWords videos direct from Google. And trying your hand at SEO?Here’s how to measure your Page Strength for the major search engines.

Plus, inspirational advice from Apple’s Steve Jobs. The secret to higher conversions. An interview with Google’s CEO. And a little known directory, that can give your site a big boost in rankings. All this and a lot more in this jam-packed issue of IMS. Enjoy!


The FreeIQ Beta… You Have to See to Believe

Brad Fallon is the CEO of FreeIQ. It’s the new marketplace for ideas and Smart Marketing, which includes a network of wholesale and retail internet businesses.” It will transform your approach to business and the internet.

“You can sell almost any type of information product, such as audio and videos, webinars and teleseminars, subscription newsletters, coaching and training programs, registrations for live events, etc. Plus, you can get paid as an affiliate for referring customers, content providers, and other affiliates to FreeIQ.”

Try out the FreeIQ Beta ==> http://www.cdzn.com/fiq

100 AdWords Videos by Google

If you’ve been thinking about using PPC to drive traffic, the largest PPC network would like to help you get started. Google has an entire library just waiting for you.

“If you’re an AdWords advertiser, Google Advertising Professional, or just interested in learning more about AdWords, you can use our training to sharpen your AdWords knowledge. We offer both multimedia and text lessons to match your preferred learning style.”

“While lessons are organized to build upon previous ones, you can skip between topics and take them in any way you like. After each lesson, test your knowledge by taking a quiz.”

Videos ==> http://www.google.com/adwords/learningcenter/

Page Strength SEO Metric

Wondering how close your page is to breaking into the top 10 search results. Here’s a funky tool that may help.

“The tool is designed to satisfy the curiosity of webmasters, surfers and web marketing professionals seeking a better metric to quickly assess a site/page’s relative importance and visibility.”

“What does this tool tell you? The relative importance and visibility of a web page. The potential strength and ability of a page to rank in the search Engines. Data on popularity, links and mentions of the page across the web.”

Page Strength ==> http://www.seomoz.org/page-strength/

The Definitive Directory Submission List

Jerry West has just updated his directory list. If you are an SEO Revolution subscriber you already have it on your hard drive.

I’m a big fan of submitting to directories and rely on this list. It’s always a good idea, to submit new sites and pay the fee. Especially if the directory passes a healthy dose of PageRank, and it’s been around a few years. That way, the Trust is immediately passed to the new site and the Sandbox effect is minimized.

There are nearly 500 directories on the list. Only three directories received an A listing. Nine received a B. All the rests were C+ and lower.

According to Jerry, “Over 68 hours of staff time went into updating and verifying the information. About 200 more hours went into testing the passing of PageRank. We went through each directory individually, and made the top 70 or so part of the PR test.”

“Here are some features of the list: PageRank of the home page. PageRank of sub pages. Does the directory pass PageRank. Directory Type. Any fees are listed and the time frames they cover.”

“We also gave a grade to the top directories based on factors such as: PageRank pass through, Traffic, Sub Page PageRank, Navigation, Design, Ease of Use, Number of Years the Directory has existed, etc.”

Now here’s something really useful… The directory known as Starting Point (stpt.com) was given an A- finishing in the top three. I’m going add submitting to it, to my “to do” list for each new site I create. Others like Jayde barely passed. Bizweb flunked out. Needless to say I won’t be wasting time on those anymore.

I’ve given you one gem, but you’ll need to subscribe to Jerry’s SEO newsletter to get the full list. It’s certainly the most comprehensive and throughly tested list that I’ve ever seen.

SEO Revolution ==> http://www.cdzn.com/jwr

Do What You Love and Never Give Up

Here is one of the most inspirational texts that I’ve read this year. It’s three very short stories by Apple CEO Steve Jobs, that was delivered at Stanford University’s commencement address.

The first story is about connecting the dots. The second story is about love and loss. The third story is about death. His advice is to Stay Hungry and Stay Foolish.

“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice.”

“And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.”

Read the full commencement address here. The motivation message will leave a lasting impression and you’ll definitely want to bookmark it.


Interview with Google CEO Eric Schmidt

Here’s another interesting gem, for those of you who like to read history and know how things came to be. It’s Fred Vogelstein’s Wired News interview with Google’s current CEO Eric Schmidt.

“The interview is a fascinating conversation about how Schmidt along with founder Larry Page and Sergey Brin ran and, based on recent conversations, continue to run the most interesting and profitable company in a generation.”

“In it Schmidt talks about what it was like to join Google back in 2001 when it wasn’t yet making money, and how the company almost disintegrated amid bickering over how to partner with AOL in 2002”


Still Can’t Get Enough Google?

In case you want more about Google and need to know everything that’s going on… Here is THE official Google Blog

THE Google Blog ==> http://googleblog.blogspot.com/

And if that’s not enough, here’s the Google Operating System. It’s the official “Unofficial” source for news and tips about Google.

Google OS ==> http://googlesystem.blogspot.com/

Convert Voicemail to Text

Paul Galloway had a good tip about a service that transcribes voicemail and voice messages to text. This is useful when in meetings or seminars, so you don’t miss an important call, like your server went down, or plant manager just quit and you gotta leave.

According to the site. “SimulScribe utilizes cutting edge voice recognition technology to convert your voicemail messages into text. We deliver your transcribed voicemail, along with the original audio, to your mobile phone, PDA, and/or email account.”

SimulScribe ==> http://www.simulscribe.com/

All You Really Need to Succeed Is:

Question: I’m interested in finding someone trustworthy, who is willing to mentor and coach me. I’ve recently started receiving your newsletter and discovered that you’re taking on new students.

I’d be interested in speaking with you, to determine if you’re the type of person I’m seeking in a mentor. Please have someone from your office contact me if you’re interested.

Answer: Have “someone” contact you? I apologize for the confusion. There is no team of tutors, or office, or staff here… just me. Doing what I love to do.

What I offer, are simple one-to-one conversations over the phone, offering blunt, real-time, honest advice when you need it, from someone who’s been there, done it, and STILL wearing the t-shirt.

You won’t be assigned some rah rah “junior league” coach who’s reading from a company playbook. Nor will I get you to copycat the other guys. We’ll discover your core competencies and get you to build a business on skills that you’re good at.

More details about the coaching program can be found here:

==> http://www.internetmarketingsecrets.com/coaching.html

Just to make it very clear and avoid any kind of confusion, it’s not formal consulting with written reports, research and follow-ups. There’s no low-cost mentoring per se. There is no “pay one fee and get monthly support” via email, or in a private forum. We just chat on the phone by Skype.

20 minutes is usually all it takes for the first session. Sometimes a simple course correction is all that’s needed. Other times I get the student to tear everything down and start from scratch.

In addition, you’ll need to turn off your sensitivity meter, because I’m not going to sugarcoat it, kiss your asteroid, or be a yes man. I’m going to tell you exactly how it is… not the way it aught to be. Sometimes it hurts. But it always helps.

If you’ve just recently subscribed, I suggest that you download and read all the training and courses that I’ve already provided. That way, we won’t need to cover old ground, and you’ll be ready to ask the dangerous questions that can make a real difference in your business.

==> http://www.internetmarketingsecrets.com/downloads/

Then… once you’ve read the materials and you’re convinced there’s a synergy to work together, please let me know and we’ll set up a time. We’ll discuss your situation and set a course of action for you to follow.

For that’s really all you need to succeed… a goal, a platform, a course, and a time frame. Everything else are just tasks.

It’s All About YOU… or at Least it Should Be

If you look at most web sites… it’s all us, I, me, we and about our company. Our mission statement. How long we’ve been in business, yadda, etc.

Then you pop a brochure in a separate window, so they can “learn even more” about you. Sheesh! To paraphrase the world’s best sales trainer, Jeffrey Gitomer… you’re puking all over your customer.

Meanwhile the customer’s asking, where’s the value? What’s in it for them?

When a visitor arrives at your site, it should be about one thing… ALL about them. To quote Jonathan Mizel, “Customers are selfish, lazy and they’re right. The sooner you learn that, and cater to it, the more successful you’ll become.”

Now there’s an online tool that prevents you from “we we-ing” all over your customers. Although there have been several iterations of this tool, this one by Grokdotcom.com is a little different, in that it takes your company name into account.

According to the site, “Run the tool to check your site; run it to check a variety of competitors’ sites. You’re likely to have an eye-opening opportunity to see your site through your customer’s eyes. This should be part of every audit process in your copywriting. A score between 60% – 70% seems to have the most natural tone.”

Just type in your url and company name, and the We We Monitor will do the rest:

Click ==> http://www.futurenowinc.com/wewe.htm

Or you can use a text based version of the tool here:

Click ==> http://www.futurenowinc.com/wewetext.htm

It’s long been known, the more you talk about “you and your company” instead of “them the customer” the lower your conversions will be.

If you want to increase your conversion rate, simply change the language of your pages, to focus on the language of your customers… make it all about them. If they like what they find, and want to know more about you, they’ll dig to find it once they’re engaged and interested.

No Hiding from The Laws of the Universe

First off I owe you an apology. Sometimes I get a little selfish. Sometimes I have to remind myself of the fundamental laws of the universe, “You reap what you sow.”

The more you plant the more you harvest. Or for the more logical minded, for every action, there is an opposite and equal reaction. These are universal truths.

I’ve been writing the newsletter now for eight years. It does bring in a good chunk of coin. But mostly, it’s a public service to my readership. I spend hours culling through everything that’s going on, and try to give a digest version of what – I truly believe – will effect the way you do business.

In return, you reward me with kind words of gratitude and glowing testimonials. And on occasion, from time to time, you buy things that I recommend.

But any time I get a little quiet online, people start asking if I’m ok. They start to wonder, where’s the newsletter, what’s going on? Those who know me – on the other hand – know something is going on.

You see, I’ve been busy working on a new course. And at first, I didn’t want you to know about it. That’s where I was a little selfish and need to apologize. Rather than accept a complimentary copy and promote the product, I bought it straight away.

I plan on using the information in the course to add an additional 120K in profit, working only part-time on the project. Notice that I didn’t say that just owning the course would bring me the extra funds.

The course will bring me additional success, because the info inside, is a sound strategy. I plan to implement the wisdom as a goal.

Witness here in writing that I’m committed to acting on it. Five hours per week to learn the course, then take the necessary actions to make it work. Now that I have a goal, there is no choice, except to succeed.

In 1957, Earl Nightingale popularized the words of Napoleon Hill, “You become what you think about.” If you set a goal and think about it. You WILL move towards it, both consciously and unconsciously.

==> http://www.markvictorhansen.com/strangest_secret.php

Think about this for a second. Imagine your goal to be like a ship. You choose a destination, set a course, an arrival time, and set sail at a determined speed. You’ll probably arrive on schedule or close to it.

Imagine a second ship, with no destination in mind, doesn’t matter about the course and speed, because they’ll probably never go anywhere. Without goals, we just float about and never leave port.

But as the universe would have it, it’s law foiled my attempt to purchase the course. When the creator of the course saw my name on the order, he refunded the full purchase price, and sent me the course with his compliments.

Curses… even if I thought I could “pull one over” on the laws of the universe, it would have no part of it. The creator of the course asked me to tell you about the course, IF I liked it…

What? Are you surprised at the fact I still do courses? I’ve never stopped. I’m always working on something new. In 1986, I decided to become a student of marketing. A humble student. Even though I’ve been in the game over 20 years, I’m still learning.

And when you learn, you keep your mind challenged and young. With every new thing you learn, bits that didn’t quite fit, seem to connect, as the dots emerge into a big picture.

This course arrived at my door, and I put down everything else to start working on it. It’s a physical product so I didn’t have to print out the hundreds of pages. I started with workbook one and didn’t eat or drink anything, seemed like I didn’t even breathe for hours.

Usually I have a highlighter pen to emphasize the important bits. But this time I needed a second color pen and a regular pen, to highlight and underline the really important tips. Then for the first time ever, a third highlight color for absolute new information, things that I never knew before. And that’s just the first workbook.

Actually, it looks more like a kids coloring book, than a course. It’s so full of colored highlights, there’s barely any white space left.

So I’m going to have to tell you about it sooner or later, so here goes. This course shows how to be successful in PPC (pay per click) to CPA (cost per action) marketing. Which – all mumbo jumbo aside – really means this…

You take out a PPC ad on a service like Google or Yahoo, and you send the clicks to a web page. Once the visitor arrives, you try and convince them to give a little info about themselves. It could be as simple as their zip or postal code. You just made a buck fifty. That’s all there is to it.

What just happened is… you get a commission for the visitor taking that action. That’s why it’s called CPA or cost per action marketing. Sometimes you’ll make a buck just for a postal code. Sometimes you’ll make 20 dollars if the person leaves their phone number and address.

Now… I used to do this years ago. I had several insurance sites. Back in 2001 I used to get three dollars for every time someone requested an online quote. I didn’t do the work. All I did was bring the searcher and merchant together. I was a traffic broker.

It’s very similar to affiliate programs. But unlike affiliate programs, CPA programs do not require the visitor to buy anything, in order for you to get paid.

Usually, the visitor has anywhere from one to five fields of info to fill out. The more info they give, the larger the payout for you.

So when I heard about this course, I was naturally skeptical. Afterall, I never heard of the dude that created the course, and I had always used organic search for CPA offers. Now I’m supposed to believe that some dude I never heard of can make over 100K a month – yes a month, that’s not a typo – using PPC traffic and CPA offers???

Then it became true. My long time friend Neil Shearing told me, it’s the real deal.

Because Neil considers me a mentor, I trust him completely. So when he said it’s the real deal, I knew in an instant, this course could not fail me once it arrived in my hands. And that’s when I bought it… but fortunately or unfortunately however you look at it, my reputation preceded me. I was foiled!

Gauher Chaudhry – the creator of the course – knew about me for a long time. He refunded my purchase immediately. There was no way the powers of the universe were going to let me withhold this course from you.

You see… Gauher has already made enough to retire… several times over. Now that he’s been blessed with abundance, he has decided to share his wisdom with the rest of us.

But rather than release his course to the masses, through direct marketers with breathless hype, snake-oil and flashy gimmicks, he invites only his customers, those whom have worked through the course, to become spokespeople or evangelists for his brand.

So I didn’t want to tell you about it. I really didn’t. I just wanted to buy it, stay quiet and keep it all to myself… but here goes…

What makes this course so good, is that Gauher, doesn’t hide anything. Everything is spelled out on the pages. You see actual web pages. Actual offers. His exact wording. All his test results from years of perfecting.

You see the entire sequence of events from click, to landing page, and presentation of the offer. It’s like the curtain being lifted and seeing the machine that makes the profits possible.

Gauher takes it even further, showing in the “Workhorse” method, how to build the PPC to CPA, into a sustainable and scalable business model. We’re taken though all the subscription forms, thank you pages and the entire autoresponder sequence. And that’s just the first workbook.

We’re also shown things that don’t work… at least not when they’re pitched at marketers. But the world outside internet marketing is a very different place. A world of innocence where things like pop-ups, meta redirects and autoresponder sequences still work the magical wonders, and people eat it up. But that’s just the first workbook.

There are six workbooks in all. Once for each major PPC search engine. One that covers the rest. And one for building keyword empires. Plus there’s six CD tutorials and two DVDs. Nothing is left out. It’s tough not having an excuse.

That said, there are a few things you’ll need to be aware of…

One, this course is expensive. Good! It will keep out the riff raff and chumps who like to “pump and dump” each new thing, only to abandon it, when they don’t get an abundant harvest overnight.

Two, you are paying for the PPC ads. There will be a lag time between that output, and the CPA network paying you. So you will need a bankcard of sorts with a decent limit.

(If however, you have a reward card that pays Air Miles, you’ll soon be flying first class on the house. Just be sure to pay off the card completely before the end of the month.)

Three, it takes hard work. As the saying goes, all luck and success are the result of hard work. Or to quote something from the universal truths, you reap what you sow. But notice that you have to sow FIRST, in order to reap a harvest.

Four, you don’t need THIS course. But you do need A course. In fact, I’d prefer that you don’t buy it, so there’s less competition for me. 😉

(Remember, if you’re on a tight budget, everything you need to know about becoming successful online are in the Keyword Marketing Report, The 200 Page Challenge and Clickin’ it Rich. You can get all of them right now, from my downloads page. They’ll give you a solid foundation on which to build a business with affiliate programs.)

==> http://www.InternetMarketingSecrets.com/downloads/

So now… if you’ll please excuse me. I’ve done my fiduciary Karmic duty. I’ve told you about the course, even though I’m a little ashamed to admit that I didn’t want to.

Get the Per Per Click Formula ==> http://www.cdzn.com/ppc

And yes… I may get quiet at times, the blog posting gets rather sparse and the newsletters get a little further apart, but that’s only because I’m hard at work on my goal.

My destination, my goal, an extra 120K in profit working part-time. The course, Gauher Chaudhry’s Per Per Click Formula. Cruising speed, one year.

Remember, you become what you think about, and I’ve already set sail. My only question to you is…… when are you planning to leave port?

Legal stuff…

Copyright 2006 Dynamic Media Corporation. All rights reserved world wide. All trademarks and servicemarks are property of their respective owners.

The information contained in this newsletter is the opinion of the author based on his personal observations and years of experience. Neither the author or publisher assume any liability whatsoever for the use of or inability to use any or all of the information contained in this publication. Use this information at your own risk.

Privacy Policy: I never sell, rent, trade or lend any information about my subscribers to anyone, for any reason, whatsoever. I assure you that your privacy is respected and well protected.

Michael Campbell


Did you like this newsletter? Now you can get the same ideas the pro’s use, including tips, tricks and sneaky strategies, when you subscribe to Michael Campbell’s Internet Marketing Secrets Newsletter. Subscribe now and get two of Michael’s best-selling ebooks “Clickin’ it Rich” and “Revenge of the Mininet” as bonuses, just for signing up.

*IMNewswatch would like to thank Michael Campbell for granting permission to reprint the latest newsletter.





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