Josh Anderson says, “I have a test version of new web video software that I have been developing with the same technology that make my web audio software I call it triggered events“. [Software Beta Version]

Josh Anderson’s email is reprinted here.

New video software and audio content

Good news!

I have a test version of new web video software that I have been developing with the same technology that make my web audio software from the most powerful on the internet.

What is this technology you ask?

I call it “triggered events.”

Basically the players in my software at are the only web audio players that can actually control and change your website content at precise moments during the play of your audio.

This is a strategy I call “direct response audio” and it gives web audio publishers and soon web video publishers the ability to not only tell their visitors something but simultaneously show them what they want them to see in the form of any type of web content including links, images, videos, forms, surveys, polls etc.

For an example of this go to:

That audio presentation was a teleseminar I held for my clients. Afterwards I was able to annotate it with real time resources and display them using my “triggered event” technology.

If you want to see something really cool then find the (fast forward button) on that player and click it over and over until you get to track 12. Once on track 12 click and hold down the button on the player until you see the audio time clock on the player reach 6:30 then let up off the button and just let it play. You will actually see the audio trigger a silent video as an illustration.

Now that presentation is not too fancy and I created it a couple years ago… but what I will soon be showing you is new video player software which gives you that same content controlling power that already gives you.

In the mean time make sure to pick up a copy of the Total Web Audio package if you do not already have it. Sometimes I may sound like I am boasting about it but no other web audio software anywhere has this capability.

In other news I am doing something I have never done with my private label audio book package before… I am dropping the cost by 49%. This is the most valuable private label audio content package on the net with titles like Think and Grow Rich, The Master Key System, and Scientific advertising…

The discount will be seen once you click the order link only. There is no mention of the discount on the main page… it is kindof a surprise.

Check it out for your self at

Not sure how long I will leave that up…


Josh Anderson

[email with the subject: new video software and audio content]
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