Jack Humphrey has released the latest newsletter. Jack says, “We have another bonus that teaches you specifically how to get traffic from one of the largest sites on the web, but you’ll have to read the letter for more details”. [Newsletter Download]

Jack Humphrey has released the latest newsletter.

Your New Gift

Jack says, “The April newsletter has been released. The download is below, but I need to tell you about something first.

We recently added some serious gifts for new members of Authority Site Center and I thought you would be interested to hear about them -:)

#1 Video Profits Workshop

These are 2 full-length webinars from Mark Braunstein and Jack Humphrey covering the latest in video production and video marketing.

The first webinar focuses on shooting, editing and producing high quality video for the web, even if you have never produced a single video to use as a promotion piece for your online business before.

The second webinar covers how to use your videos in social marketing by syndicating them to all the free video sharing sites on the web and all the tactics needed to make sure you are getting a lot of links and targeted traffic, not to mention a great big boost for your search engine rankings.

#2 Social Power Linking

Social Power Linking covers Web 2.0 marketing strategies from top to bottom and shows you exactly how to get thousands of incoming authority links from Web 2.0 sites all over the web.

This series consists of 2 webinars of hard-hitting how-to information on a marketing tactic that 99.9% of the “gurus” online know nothing about!

The first webinar covers the strategy behind Social Power Linking and the second webinar shows you step-by-step how to generate traffic instantly.

All hype inside, these two webinars will teach you how to generate up to 100-150 visitors on the first day you launch a site. No joke!

#3 ???

We have another bonus that teaches you specifically how to get traffic from one of the largest sites on the web, but you’ll have to read the letter for more details:


Ok, as promised, here’s the details for the newsletter…

In our continuing effort to provide you with outstanding no-cost content we released a PDF Newsletter for YOU to read. This is not your usual fluff with pitches throughout.

The newsletter is filled with solid, hard-hitting, actionable information you can use right now to grow your business. It is written by the partners and members of Authority Site Center.

This month’s newsletter articles include:

– How to Get Top Experts to Provide Content for You

– Exposing SEO Company Atrocities

– Warming Up to WordPress

– What Is the Long Tail?

– Audio and You

– The Art of Creating Teasers

Download the April newsletter here: http://www.authoritysitecenter.com/newsletter/april.pdf

Yours For Authority Site Profits,

Jack Humphrey

P.S. Don’t forget to check out the gifts for new Authority Site Center members. Right now, we only have 24 memberships available, grab a spot before they are gone:


Content Desk”

[email with the subject: your next gift]

The newsletter is in PDF format. You will need Adobe Acrobat to read this report. Download a Free Acrobat Reader

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