‘Your website is 7-Eleven (convinent store) or a diamond shop?’ – Kelvin Hui’s Article With Video
Kelvin Hui’s latest article is titled “Your website is 7-Eleven (convinent store) or a diamond shop?”. [Article Reprint Video]
Kelvin Hui’s latest article is reprinted here.
Your website is 7-Eleven (convinent store) or a diamond shop?
Definitely, your question is, which one brings me more money, right?
By common sense, 7-Eleven should have more traffic than a diamond shop. It is because it offers more diversified products which can attract different people to buy e.g. drinks, fast food, snacks. For diamond shop, it offers diamond jewelary alone. You cannot expect the customers ask for coca-cola in the diamond shop, right?
Does it mean the owner of 7-Eleven makes more than the one of diamond shop? There’s no answer.
The profit margin of a diamond shop owner can be 30-50%. You know, a normal diamond ring can be sold around $300-$500USD. A bottle of coca-cola is around $0.5USD.
So it’s tough to say who can make more than either one. The diamond shop with less traffic may make money more than a convinent store.
Definitely, without traffic, both shop owners make ZERO profit.
Each niche has a maximum level. As a webmaster, you cannot expect to generate unlimited amount of traffic. Indeed, your job is to achieve market domination or saturation, that you can make the most from your niche, no matter you run a convinent store or diamond shop.
So we can find the formula like that:
7-Eleven: maximum traffic level x $0.5USD = maximum earning level
Diamond shop: maximum traffic level x $$300USD = maximum earning level
Once you achieve that maximum level, your next job is to split the model into 2. E.g. you have a dimond shop. You can open a new one in another location, OR sell gold jewelary. By diversifying your niche, you can attract another kind of people to come to the shop. The total traffic volume will be increased.
Where’s my money…
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Kelvin Hui’s traffic guide shows how to generate 2.5 million unique visitors to your website every month download it.
*IMNewswatch would like to thank Kelvin Hui for granting permission to reprint the latest article.
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