‘Napoleon Hill’s Internet Marketing Secrets’ – Ray Edwards’ Blog Post
Ray Edwards’ latest blog post is titled “Napoleon Hill’s Internet Marketing Secrets”. [Blog Post Reprint]
Ray Edwards’ latest blog post is reprinted here.
Napoleon Hill’s Internet Marketing Secrets
Last night I conducted a coaching call for my private coaching students group, and I was nervous about doing it.
The reason: up until now, I had only done practical, “how to” information on our group coaching sessions.
This one was different.
It was about something more “touchy feely” and I wasn’t sure how it would be received.
Last night’s call was on “The 21 Fundamentals of Online Success”. It was a 70-minute call, and I jammed as much value into that session as I possibly could.
As a copywriter, I’ve had the privilege of working with some very successful clients (including Alex Mandossian, Mark Victor Hansen, Ed Dale, Brad Callen, Frank Kern, Jack Canfield, Joel Comm, Willie Crawford, and many others).
I’ve seen what makes them tick.
I’ve studied their businesses, and observed the common success factors that they all share. I have also combined that knowledge with my long-standing study of greats like Napoleon Hill (hence, Napoleon Hill’s Internet Marketing secrets…), Brian Tracy, Tony Robbins, and others.
That combined information – which is available nowhere else at any price – formed the basis of what I taught on last night’s call.
Still, I worried that my students might not find it “practical”.
I should not have worried; I’ve already gotten more rave reviews for last nights call than any other single session I’ve conducted.
One example: “Really enjoyed tonight’s call (module 9). In retrospect I think it was worth the cost of the entire course, just by itself. I’m not exaggerating.”
I’ve already converted that call into a standalone audio product. It’s a physical audio CD, which will be shipped automatically to my customers without me lifting a finger.
I did it in less than 24 hours from creation to completion.
Within the next week or two, I’ll teach a few students how to do exactly what I did to get their first product out the door and making sales.
In the meantime, you can get a copy of the product for only $27.
Within the next 72 hours, I will raise the price to $47.
I will keep raising it until it reaches $97.
So my advice is, if you want to know the specific, concrete, 21 Fundamentals of Online Success, grab a copy for yourself while it’s still only $27.
Claim your copy here.
Ray Edwards is a direct response copywriter, speaker, author, Internet marketing consultant. Grab your free copywriting videos and instruction from Ray at http://WebCopyWritingExplained.com
*IMNewswatch would like to thank Ray Edwards for granting permission to reprint the latest blog post.
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