Josh Anderson:Audio Book Licensing Discount Ends Saturday
Josh Anderson says, “Audio Book Licensing Discount Ends Saturday. I have decided to extend the 49% licensing discount until Saturday on the package of 17 of the best audio book titles available for distribution”. [Post Launch Announcement]
Josh Anderson’s email is reprinted here.
Audio Book Licensing Discount ends Saturday
Josh Anderson says, “I have decided to extend the 49% licensing discount until Saturday on the package at:
17 of the best audio book titles available for distribution.
Nothing as valuable in audio content licensing ever been made available by any company.
Josh Anderson
P.S. I have been speaking this week with a highly experienced business capital and investing consultant and plan to send an invitation out in the next day or so for those who are interested in learning about attracting investment capital to their companies to attend an informative presentation so keep an eye out for this”.
[email with the subject: Audio Book Licensing disc. ends Saturday]Comments are closed.