Joel Block is having a “Rising Capital for Your Business” Webinar on Wednesday, May 16 at 9.00 PM EST. [Webinar]

Joel Block is having a “Rising Capital for Your Business” Webinar on Wednesday, May 16 at 9.00 PM EST.

Webinar Focus

Joel Block says, “We will talk about…

* 6 Critical Lessons that will help remove the barriers between you and the capital that you need to grow your business. You can either keep pretending like you have enough money for your business OR you can get the oxygen your business needs to excel beyond your imagination.

* What are your best options in gaining capital for your business? This is not just basic information about using credit cards and getting some cash from your grandmother. Joel will be sharing the inside scoop on the real ways to get the most from the capital marketplace.

* Discover the naked truth about the abundant capital marketplace. If you believe people have kept secrets from you… you’re right!

* Can you really have one great idea and get flooded with thousands of dollars? Find out if this is true or if it is just a myth.

* Discover how to tap into the right capital sphere of influence to attract the capital you need for your business or idea.

* Plus, Joel will share at least 3 REAL-LIFE BUSINESS “Case Studies” …complete with actual results and action steps you can use in your own business”.

Webinar Details

Key Persons: Joel Block

Topic: Rising Capital for Your Business

Day/Date: Wednesday, May 16

Time: 9.00 pm EST – Time Zone Converter

Post Releated Link

‘Rising Capital for Your Business’ Webinar Registration Page

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