Chris Carpenter says, “Well, the Google Cash Detective is not going to ruin the industry. Change it significantly, yes. Redistribute long held profitable niches to savvier marketers, yes. Create higher volume and higher cost campaigns, probably pretty soon”. [Google Cash Detective]

Chris Carpenter’s email is reprinted here.

Will GC Detective Ruin the Industry?

Many thanks to all of you who have taken the time to leave comments on my blog and many more thanks to those who have sent me encouraging emails!

I’m really enjoying all of the excitement and congratulations over this great new technology. Many people can already see the future of affiliate marketing.

I hope you enjoyed the two videos that are available so far for viewing in the member’s panel.

When I sent these videos demonstrating all of the software’s functionality to my JV partners, it made many of them realize that Adwords campaigns are ultimately transparent, so profitable niches can be systematically researched and attacked.

With this type of technology, the profits from niches, long thought to be safely guarded, will turn over. Everyone will have access to everyone else’s campaign data. New competitors will be able to see your success before they risk a penny competing with you.

This can be a little unnerving…

So much so that some people are saying that I’m going to ruin the industry!

Well, the Google Cash Detective is not going to ruin the industry. Change it significantly, yes. Redistribute long held profitable niches to savvier marketers, yes. Create higher volume and higher cost campaigns, probably pretty soon.

So what can you do?

Start playing the game now. When you start to imagine what the industry is going to look like in the not too distant future, you realize that you need to be building up now. You need to start fortifying your niches. You will need to be ramping up credit limits…

You Need to Be in the Game So that You Can Grow with the Industry.

Here’s what Mark Widawer from had to say about the Google Cash Detective:

“I’m about 14 minutes into your 19 minute video and I swear my jaw is dropping on the floor.

I really can’t believe the intelligence you can gain from your tool.

Look, I’ve been a programmer for 30 years and an Adwords Advertiser
for 3, and a Qualified AdPro for 2. . . I KNOW HOW HARD Google tries
to keep this stuff secret — billions of dollars of profits rely on it — and I know how hard it would be to write software to sniff it out.

Kind of like siphoning the gold out of Fort Knox.

But you’ve done it! How, I don’t know. But it certainly gives anyone with this information an EXTREME and UNFAIR ADVANTAGE over everyone

I can’t wait to put it to use for me and my businesses!

Think about this tonight before going to sleep. Think about what side of the unfair advantage you want to be on.

Now is the time to build a business stronger than ever before. If you are not growing your business, you will be facing the reality of losing out.


P.S. In response to hundreds of requests for a final launch date, please be patient and the software will be available during the first week of June.

P.P.S. If you would like to leave comments on my blog, you can find it at:

[email with the subject: Will GC Detective Ruin the Industry?]
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