Steve Pohlit says, “Wednesday June 13th I will release the first in a series of Free reports and videos that will help business owners, business executives, and entrepreneurs in their efforts to build business profits”. [Free Products Launch Announcement]

Steve Pohlit’s press release is published here.

Press Release

It Has Been “Suggested” I Withhold This Information

Wednesday June 13th I will release the first in a series of FREE reports and videos that will help business owners, business executives, and entrepreneurs in their efforts to build business profits.

That is correct – there is no fee, no registration or any other requirements for this information. This simply is the launch of a very valuable product that happens to be FREE.

What is the content? It is simple! In fact simplicity is the theme of this material. The simplicity of business.

Keep in mind, professors, consultants, CEO�s, executives and bored members (spelling intentional) are all paid a ton of money to help solve what is commonly known as complex business issues. The reality is that 80% of management time is spent on matters that have little or no impact on business performance.

If you evaluate what is commonly labeled complex, in most cases, it is not complex at all. Some person has decided it is complex and so that now becomes the reality. This series I am releasing brings our focus to what is important and provides the tools and process to stay focused.

May you and all permanently experience prosperous health, happiness and abundance

Steve Pohlit

Business Development Consulting

Steve Pohlit has more than 20 years experience running very large and medium sized companies. Steve now designs and implements processes with large and small companies that will deliver improved business performance for the long term.

*This news post was submitted by Steve Pohlit.

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