‘How To Use Database Marketing To Skyrocket Your Online Profits’ – Earl William’s Latest Article
Earl William’s latest newsletter article titled “How To Use Database Marketing To Skyrocket Your Online Profits” is reprinted here. [Article Reprint]
Earl William’s latest newsletter article is reprinted here.
How To Use Database Marketing To Skyrocket Your Online Profits
Database Marketing is the gathering and storing of specific information about your prospects or customers. This information is usually stored in a database program on your computer. You would then use the information to market and advertise to them. It can save you time and money because you can target your promotional efforts to your best prospects or customers.
The Types Of Information To Collect
The information will vary depending on the product or service you’re selling. If you’re selling a product that costs $2 you wouldn’t collect information about their yearly income. If you’re selling web space you wouldn’t collect information about what type of books they read. The basic information you need would be all their contact information, purchase history, and birthday. You will need to decide what other information would benefit your business.
How To Collect This Information Online
It’s pretty easy to collect this information online but the hard part is getting people to give it you. The best way to collect this information is to give them something FREE in return. Ask them to fill out an e-mail survey before subscribing to your free e-zine. Tell everyone who visits your web site they will get a free e-book when they fill out your online questionnaire form. Ask them this information before they sign up for a free contest at your web site. Sometimes you have to give a little something to get a little information online.
Beneficial Uses For Your Database Find out your customers purchasing habits. Use the information to improve the design of your web site. Use it to write all your advertising material more persuasively.
Find out the things they like or dislike about your business. Use the information to target your best prospects.
Find out how much money your prospects or customers make. Use it to improve your customer service.
Find out what new products or services they need or want. Use it to test ideas before launching a total sales campaign.
Find out how to your improve your existing products or services. Use it to build your customer loyalty.
Find out which benefits or features they like most about your products or services. Use it to send electronic greeting cards on holidays or on your customer’s birthdays.
The list of beneficial uses are endless. Do you see the importance of collecting this information? The Internet makes the process of collecting this information quicker and cheaper than offline methods. Take advantage of database marketing and watch your online profits skyrocket.
Quote of the Day:
“Put away the book, the description, the tradition, the authority, and take the journey of self-discovery. Love, and don’t be caught in opinions and ideas about what love is or should be. When you love, everything will come right. Love has its own action. Love, and you will know the blessings of it. Keep away from the authority who tells you what love is and what it is not. No authority knows and he who knows cannot tell. Love, and there is understanding.” — Krishnamurti
Warm regards,
Earl Williams
P.S. Try this:
*IMNewswatch would like to thank Earl Williams for granting permission to reprint the latest articles.
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