‘Living One Achievement At A Time’ – Campbell’s IMS Newsletter
Michael Campbell has released the latest ‘Internet Marketing Secrets’ newsletter. The featured article is titled “Living One Achievement At A Time”. [Newsletter Reprint]
Michael Campbell’s latest ‘Internet Marketing Secrets’ newsletter is reprinted here.
Internet Marketing Secrets
Issue #125 – June 22 2007
In this Issue:
1) Easily Dominate Your PPC Competition
2) Discover All the Wifi Hotspots Around You
3) The Death of Made For AdSense (MFA) Sites
4) Advertising, Traffic & Conversion Make Profits
5) Low Cost Audio, Podcast and Video Hosting
6) How To Create Great Looking PDF Files
7) Finding Good Affordable Programmers
8) Living One Achievement at a Time
Plus, inspirational advice from Apple’s Steve Jobs. The secret to higher conversions. An interview with Google’s CEO. And a little known directory, that can give your site a big boost in rankings. All this and a lot more in this jam-packed issue of IMS. Enjoy!
Dominate Your PPC Competition
There have been plenty of expensive products that allow you to spy on your competition. Most debuted around 500 dollars and up. Now there’s a new product that does almost everything the pricey “Spying” apps do, but at a fraction of the cost.
In addition, most of the Spying software creators allowed only a few copies to be sold, so they could hype up the fake scarcity. A few chumps fell for that… only to find out the spying services quietly ding you with monthly fees, hidden fees, and little extra charges, that really add up in a hurry.
On top of that, some of these spying services run apps on their servers… not yours. So who are they really spying on? Hmm?
How do you know they’re not mining your data? How do you know they’re not making you do the work, spying on you, and competing with you? How would you know? Pretty scary… isn’t it?
Ok… you can relax now. The new AdSpy Pro has come to the rescue. It runs on your server. You’re in total control. There are no hidden fees. It has tons of features and it’s easy to use.
It allows you to monitor what your competitors are doing in any market. You’ll see which ads are consistently good performers. You can use this intelligence, to create your own successful ad campaigns, without the learning curve.
Having a good PPC ad is half the battle. You’ll still need to create landing pages, and test the different design elements of your offer. But if you could get a 50% head start… would you take it?
The AdSpy software costs less than a dinner for two. And you can dominate any PPC market that you choose. Wouldn’t that be great?
Do yourself a favor. Get AdSpy Pro now, and you’ll dominate your competition, right from the start.
Get AdSpy Pro Now ==> http://www.cdzn.com/asp
Still Undecided? How about watching this short but very illuminating spy video. Discover how you can keep the competition under surveillance… and squash them like a bug, any time you choose.
Undercover Spying Video ==> http://www.cdzn.com/asv
Google’s PPA Universe Expands
Google’s PPA (pay per action) beta has just been released world wide. (Pay-per-action advertising allows you to pay only for completed actions that you define, such as a form submission, lead, sale, page view, etc.)
There are still some qualifications though. According to product manager Rob Kniaz, “Advertisers who use AdWords conversion tracking, and receive more than 500 conversions from their pay-per-click (PPC), or pay-per-impression (PPM) campaigns in the most recent 30-day period, will be invited to join this beta test, on a rolling basis.”
So how do you get invited? “Eligible advertisers will see an alert in their AdWords account, informing them that they can now try the PPA beta.”
To learn more about Google’s PPA program visit: http://adwords.google.com/support/bin/topic.py?topic=11635
Tiny Scripts for “Stealth” Form Submissions
If you’re using forms on your website, here are a few handy tips from Paul Galloway. For those of you that don’t know Paul, he has been custom programming affiliate scripts and shopping carts, since the internet was in diapers. 😉
One of the scripts allows you to keep the visitor on the same page, instead of sending a thank you page. I haven’t tested it yet, but it seems like it might a good way to increase subscription confirmation rates.
The scripting tricks are simple one-liners that anyone can use. You’ll find them and other utilities on Paul’s Blog.
Get Paul’s Stealth Scripts ==> http://biztoolsbrief.com
New Video Submitter Software
From the mind of NovaSoft comes the latest in video submission software… Video Blaster Pro. It makes it easy to submit your video, to 16 video sharing sites, in just one click.
This one is a little different, in that it’s a script, instead of downloadable software. But it seems very affordable compared to the alternatives.
Video lets you reach a potential audience of billions. Get more traffic. Build your customer base. And sell more products. Video Blaster Pro promises to help you reach those customers, and save you a lot of time in the process.
Ready to Get Blasting? ==> http://www.cdzn.com/vbp
Wifi Hotspot Finder
If you’re going for coffee, or a business lunch, and you’re bringing your laptop, you might as well choose a place that includes wifi, or internet access as part of the deal. The JiWire web site will help you do just that.
In addition to listing all the wifi access points, they include downloadable widgets, so you can see all the routers within range of your laptop. Very often – in urban areas – there’s many routers to choose from.
You can also use the widget as a quick diagnostic tool. Which is very handy, if you live in a condo, or work in a high-rise office building.
It shows which network, is currently broadcasting on what channel. You can tune your router to a channel that’s not in use, and minimize any interference from your neighbors and coworkers.
So if you want get caught up on work while taking a break, or out for lunch, check JiWire.com before you leave. Your wifi access might be included as a little unadvertised bonus.
Find WiFi Hotspots ==> http://www.jiwire.com
The Death of Made for AdSense (MFA) Sites
Question: Have you heard about the AdSense Arbitrage sites going down, along with the Made For Adsense (MFA) type sites? Interesting stuff is happening. What do you make of it?
Answer: I haven’t “heard” much about the MFA debacle. I don’t listen to gossip, or frequent the SEO forums. What I do pay attention to, are the official Google blogs, and those of prominent Google engineers like Matt Cutts.
All I can say is, they’re going after them and shutting them down. Hundreds of people got handed their final AdSense checks, as they didn’t fit Google’s philosophy.
If your idea of a sustainable business model, was building automated sites for AdSense revenue, then you got whatever you deserved. Same deal with the arbitrage junkies.
I tried to warn people about the MFA templates. I told my readers not to buy them. A quick glance at the HTML code, revealed detectable footprints. Well maybe not footprints… more like blinking red arrows.
Several template designers left their names in the code, or included comment fields, that were easily detected and filtered. Even if you bought them from a “brand name” direct marketer… it’s not like he designed them personally, or even has the technical ability to examine the code…
Not only that, Google has provided clear instructions, on how to report MFA sites, arbitrage sites and ad farms. The writing was… on the wall, so to speak.
So I won’t say much more about it, other than… “I told ya so.” When it comes to building a business, a foolish man builds his house upon the sand, the wise man builds his house upon the rock.
Stick to the rock solid fundamentals. 🙂 Build affiliate revenue sites and maintain relationships with your customers, through newsletters, audio and video. Give value first, and you’ll reap what you sow in return.
How Advertising, Traffic and Conversions Lead to Profits
Question: What was the name of that PPC to PPA course you recently took and dove into?
Answer: The course was Gauher Chaudhry’s Pay Per Click Formula. I started applying his PPA (pay per action) affiliate program ideas to my parked pages and website ads. It really got me thinking, when I suddenly started earning a lot more than I was with AdSense.
I announced the course a few newsletters ago, but didn’t want to go into detail, and make a lot of competition for myself. 😉 I will tell you though, that I’m not applying the formula, exactly as shown in the course, as I’m getting my traffic from organic SEO and media buys through companies like AdBrite, in addition PPC.
Unlimited Traffic with AdBrite ==> http://www.cdzn.com/ab
What the course did do for me, is open my eyes to the process of maximizing the revenues out of each click. If you follow the examples in the course, you can start doing very well, very quickly… with one condition.
Go where the big markets are. Gauher made a fortune with disposable baby diapers. Get out of the “selling marketing products to marketers” mind set, as it’s a tiny market with only a few thousand players.
Think about the general American and UK buying public. Think millions of potential customers. Think of big consumable markets like coffee, tea, dietary supplements, diapers, BBQ supplies, paper, batteries, cleaning products, cooking oil, spices, lotions, creams or cosmetics.
Look around your room and start plugging those terms into Nichebot, or your favorite keyword research tool and you’ll be surprised. You’ll discover all sorts of untapped niches, just waiting for you to come and plug them with products.
Lookup Keywords ==> http://www.cdzn.com/nb2
Then once you have a niche, set up a process. Make and test your ads with Google Adwords. Then once you have a winning ad, prepare to widen your reach, by using other ad delivery systems like AdBrite.
(You can jumpstart your PPC research with a tool like the new AdSpy Pro. You’ll see which ads perform best in any market. http://www.cdzn.com/asp )
The winning ad leads to a landing page. On the landing page, test your headline, copy and graphics and try to improve your conversion ratio. In the case of PPA affiliate programs, it might be as simple as persuading someone to give out their postal code.
Once you have a process, or sales funnel in place, you look at the numbers. You look at your conversion rate and the cost of your advertising. If you’re making more than you spend, and especially if it’s 400% or more, it’s time for a media buy through AdBrite, or some other ad marketplace.
You go out and buy the most traffic you can afford, and reach an audience, but not bigger than you can afford. You want to reach 10% of the people and convince them 100% of the way. (Not the other way round.)
It’s not rocket science, but you do have to spend close attention to details. You do need to put in the time it takes, to set up a sales process, test and track your ads, and keep an eye on your ad spending. But all that’s in the PPC Formula course.
Want the PPC Formula? ==> http://www.cdzn.com/ppc
Once the floodgates open, it’s really a wonderful feeling. It’s really cool to apply your marketing skills to the average public, and watch them eat up an offer, that has nothing to do with internet marketing.
So as you sit there sipping your beverage of choice… ask yourself how many other millions of people – potential customers – around the world are also sipping a similar beverage. Then think of the possibilities. They might just start buying it, or the machine that made it, from you and your advertising.
How To Create Great Looking PDF Files
Question: I am planning some reports for my website. I just downloaded your newsletter in PDF format and like the way it looks. I take it that a 30 page report could be done in this format as well.
Since I am new to all this, I was wondering if you could give me a little help. How were you able to write the report and put it into a PDF file.
Answer: Yes, I’m a big fan of PDFs. Have been for over ten years. They are a universally accepted format, and compatible with any operating system. They work equally well for reports, ebooks and newsletters.
Most of what you need to know is on my downloads page. Look for the Quick and Easy eBooks report, in the Clickin’ it Rich section. It goes into the details and nitty gritty about eBook publishing.
Free Downloadable eBooks ==> http://www.cdzn.com/fun
I used to use Adobe Pagemaker for my layout. Then Quarkand InDesign. But these days I use Pages by Apple. If I was preparing documents for the press, I’d still use InDesign, but if you’re aiming to create PDF files, Pages is the cat’s meow.
If you have Acrobat Pro, you can make a PDF from just about any application, including word processors. But these text apps are designed to handle words. It’s ok to do your writing in them, but get yourself a page layout app to assemble everything.
After the newsletter is written, I go looking for artwork that matches the articles and helps tell the stories. I do all my shopping for photos at iStock Photo. It’s only a dollar for the nonexclusive right to use their photos in reports, newsletters, ebooks and web sites.
Get Great Stock Photos ==> http://www.cdzn.com/isp
Once I have all the pieces assembled, I do the page layout. Pages makes it very easy to make beautiful PDF files. You just drag and drop graphics and screenshots. Size them and color correct them right in the app.
Hypertext links are a snap. The text formatting is done with style sheets, so it’s really fast when you work from a template.
You can add drop shadows. Funky type effects. Rotate things. Text flows around graphics automatically. Then… when you’re happy with the layout, click export to PDF and you’re done.
I do take it one step further though. I load the PDF into Acrobat Pro and compress the file size and add meta data for the search engines. It’s also a good idea to proof your work in the Acrobat Reader app as well.
Go download my Quick and Easy eBooks. Then start practicing making PDF files. It’s not hard to do.
Before you know it, you’ll be offering more value to your customers with those special reports. And the more value you provide, the more abundance you’ll get in return.
Low Cost Audio, Podcast and Video Hosting
Question: I’m preparing my video for the web, but my hosting company allows only 50 GIG of bandwidth per month. That’s not nearly enough. Would you recommend YouTube for hosting my video? Or who would you use?
Answer: Well… yes and no. I would certainly post my videos there, as they have a huge audience. I would also post my videos to Yahoo and other popular sites. But I would not rely on them as my main hosting company.
The trouble with these services, is that once you upload your content, you have no control over how it is displayed. They can lower the quality, throw ads on it, overlay clickable buttons, and all sorts of other distractions, that take customers away from your site.
The hosting company I recommend for podcasting and video, is Liberated Syndication or LibSyn for short. I wrote about them 18 months ago. They’ve been around a while and handle some of the most popular podcasts.
What makes them different than any other hosting company, is that they do not charge for bandwidth, only storage. Let me spell that out loud and clear… no bandwidth charges!
Even their “Supreme” account, which offers 800 MB of storage a month (yes per month) is only 30 dollars a month. That’s enough to store a 45 minute daily podcast. Compare that to the industry standard, offering 50 GB of bandwidth for 30 dollars a month, and it’s no contest.
They also have detailed stats, so you know how often your video gets watched. It shows the impressions, views and distribution. They also have a template, for submitting your work to the iTunes directory, which is the biggest music store on the planet.
Unlimited Bandwidth ==> http://www.cdzn.com/ls
You don’t have to use all the features, if you don’t want to. You can simply store your media files on Libsyn, and link to them with your blogs and web pages. That way, you’ll never pay for bandwidth, or worry about third party ads, or other distractions appearing over top of your videos.
But all this – talk about video hosting – assumes that you have the technical ability to produce everything yourself. It means that you already know how to shoot and edit video, embed the linking code, make the controller appear, and get clickable links into the video, while it’s playing.
If you’re looking for slick production tools in addition to hosting, try the Web Video Zone instead. They offer all sorts of tools, tips and techniques to create profitable videos. Membership includes a web video player, a Flash converter, video web hosting, a video affiliate system, in-depth tutorials, and a moderated discussion forum.
So if you just want basic hosting, get LibSyn. But if you want to create video the fast, fun and easy way… and get affordable hosting as part of the deal, choose Web Video Zone instead.
Want to Create Web Video? ==> http://www.cdzn.com/wvz
Finding Good Affordable Programmers
Question: You’re a top notch internet marketer, and know several other successful marketers, I was wondering if you could give me advice on how to find a good programmer?
I need a programmer experienced in PHP, MySQL, Linux and creating spiders. I have tried most of the freelance sites, for over two years, with little success. Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated.
Answer: Sure… if you’ve exhausted the usual freelance sources, maybe try a couple of forums or private sites. Go where the programmers hang out, and ask in their forums. Check the search engines for things like, “MySQL forum” and “Linux forum” and ask for help.
Another hangout is the Keyword Avalanche. Of all the private sites, they seem to have the greatest number of programmers. If you join up for a month and start asking the membership, I’m sure their… sphere of influence, will find you someone.
Avalanche Forums ==> http://www.cdzn.com/ka
Another option might be CraigsList.com. They are one of the top 50 sites on the internet, according to Alexa’s traffic data. If you place your classified ads there, they have a good chance of being spotted by someone who’s qualified, and meets your needs.
CraigsList is also good place for marketing your services, if you go about it the right way, and advertise only in the services section. Read the terms of service before posting. If you qualify, your classified ads could be running on one of the hottest, and most popular, sites on the web.
Living One Achievement At A Time
You can achieve greatness, accumulate wealth, and be happy, all at the same time. I’m going to give you a secret. Once that has been used by successful people, for the last 100 years.
When you first set out on a project, it can seem like a daunting task. Do not worry about your circumstance, or become overwhelmed by uncertainty, fear or doubt. What I’m about to share with you will help you through it, regardless of how big, or long, the task may be.
The most important thing, is to write everything down. Show yourself the big picture. The milestones, the end goals, the results you expect to achieve.
Get one or two of those whiteboards with erasable markers. Hang them in your office, or work space, so you must look at them, and evaluate your path to success, every single day.
Write down everything that you want to achieve. List your income as it is now, and what you’d like it to be a year from now. Let your subconscious mind get to work, on how you are going to achieve these goals.
Then on the second white board, write down the five most important things, that you need to do tomorrow. Then number them from one to five, in the order of their importance.
Believe it or not, this is the most important productivity tool, that was ever invented. Two lists. Your list of long-term goals, and your list of things to do.
But they’re not tucked away in some notebook, or hidden in some file on the computer. It’s on a whiteboard, out in plain site, where you must look at them, and think about them every single work day.
Don’t worry if you don’t complete everything on the to do list. Make a new list at the end of the day. Keep it short. Keep it focused.
Remember that success is built like a wall, one brick at a time. Or think of it like running a road race. You put one foot in front of the other and try not to fall down.
You don’t have to win the race, but it’s important that you do your best, each and every time out. If you do fall down, you get up, you dust yourself off, and you keep running, until you cross that finish line.
And just like the race, everything you achieve in life, will be the result of small daily successes. Step after step, one foot in front of the other, until you cross that finish line, and reach that goal.
When do you reach a goal, no matter how small, praise yourself for a job well done. Then thank yourself, and reward yourself for each accomplishment, by taking a break, or buying yourself a gift of some kind.
Surround yourself with positive things, that make you feel productive. Create an atmosphere of success, reminding yourself of all you have accomplished, and how much more you are willing to learn.
When you do reach a major milestone, like the half way point, take some time off to rejuvenate. Go shopping in the mall, while everyone else is at work. Or go for a picnic in the park, take your shoes off, and enjoy walking barefoot through the grass.
You must have faith and confidence in yourself. Not just being optimistic, but full of passion and courage, to endure the bumps in the road. To endure the painful moments, and attitude checks, that will try and challenge your determination.
Have the courage to say no. Learn what to say no to. Quickly decide which projects are worth your energy and focus. For wealth comes and goes. It can be earned, spent and re-earned again.
Your time on the other hand cannot. Time is the most valuable thing you possess. Spend it wisely, investing in your goals and dreams.
You must believe that you can achieve the task at hand, regardless of what anyone else thinks. Focus on one small goal. One item on your to do list. Complete it, then move on to the next.
That’s all it takes, one small achievement, to keep you hungry, yet humble, knowing that you have what it takes to succeed.
Be content with what you have, but it’s ok to want more. Celebrate all you have. All you love. And everything that you want to learn.
Check things off your to do list, one day at at time. Make a list of what you want to achieve tomorrow. Be happy, knowing you are on the path to success, and celebrating your victories along the way.
Then one day, you’ll look up from your work, and realize, that you’ve already arrived, and possibly surpassed the financial, business, or personal goals, that you set out for yourself. But being an entrepreneur, or any other success minded person, you’re not finished, you’re never… “finished.”
You are dedicated, to constant, and never ending self-improvement. Now would be a perfect time, to set new, financial, business, or personal goals, and challenge yourself, with new things to learn.
Now… let me ask you… What are the five most important things, that you need to do tomorrow?
Write them down. Then number them, in the order of their importance. Put them in plain view, where you will see them all day long.
Focus on your goals. Say no to all the distractions.
Pretty soon, you’ll be amazed at how much work you get done. And just how successful you’ve become. Living your life, one successful day, one successful goal, one achievement at a time.
Legal stuff…
Copyright 2006 Dynamic Media Corporation. All rights reserved world wide. All trademarks and servicemarks are property of their respective owners.
The information contained in this newsletter is the opinion of the author based on his personal observations and years of experience. Neither the author or publisher assume any liability whatsoever for the use of or inability to use any or all of the information contained in this publication. Use this information at your own risk.
Privacy Policy: I never sell, rent, trade or lend any information about my subscribers to anyone, for any reason, whatsoever. I assure you that your privacy is respected and well protected.
Michael Campbell

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*IMNewswatch would like to thank Michael Campbell for granting permission to reprint the latest newsletter.
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