Costa Dedes’ latest article is titled “Traffic Generation”. [Article Reprint]

Costa Dedes’ latest article is reprinted here.

Traffic Generation

The ideal business that anyone can have these days is online-based business. Setting up a production on the internet needs a lot of systematic preparations and effective strategies.

Marketing your product and services on the internet entails advertising and promotion. In return, it would help your product or service a lot especially in increasing your revenue and compensating the expenses handed out.

Although advertising can be very effective offline, it isn’t nearly so effective online. That is the reason why most people surf the internet looking for information. They aren’t usually interested in advertising unless the product or service in question can solve their problems.

Creating a successful Internet presence involves much more than designing a great website or having the “perfect” product. If you’re launching a new website, your first step will be to submit your site to the Search Engines and Directories. If you’re launching a new website, your first step will be to submit your site to the Search Engines and Directories.

Below is a list of the major Search Engines:

– Google

– AltaVista

– Lycos

– Overture

Actually, there are many ways to promote your business online if you already have done the first step. A good way to organize your promotions is to set up a web page, for your personal use, that will contain your complete strategy. This page should be stored on your hard drive and not uploaded to your server. Your page should contain four sections as promotional techniques that you can apply.

– Daily Promotions

– Placing Links

– Discussion Boards

– Weekly Promotions

– Ezine Advertising / Ad Swaps:

– Monthly Promotions

– Writing Articles

– Promotional Exchanges Forum and List Moderation

These strategies could definitely help to generate more and more traffic to your website that promotes your product or service offered.

Furthermore, driving traffic to your site is the most effective way to promote your product or service online. Everyone wants to have a lot of traffic to their website. So, you must target the right keywords with the search engines to increase traffic. It is important to understand how more content can bring more visitors to your site and how to generate content that is related to your particular web site.

Below are some tips about how you can increase traffic:

– Word of mouth – tell everyone

– Create links everywhere

– Get Searched

– Email Marketing

– Banner Ads

Once you’ve managed to tell customers about your site, get listed on the major search engines and create links from a number of other sites, there’s one very important thing not to forget: give users a reason to return.

There are still more effective strategies on line that could help generate traffic fast to your site. These strategies are far more effective than offline advertising. It may be tedious at start but when you are able to execute these ways to stabilize your market on the internet, everything would turn out to be splendid. Here are some of those methods:

– Advertise on quality industry websites / portals

– Email stationery / signature files

– Company stationery

– Traditional media / advertising

– Reciprocal links

– Website content / free services

– Email newsletter

– Newsgroups

– Email lists

What is important when you want to generate traffic is that you know what appropriate Internet Marketing strategies you have to use. There are already dead Marketing Internet techniques that can no longer help much to increase list of viewers that visit your site.

Above all, improve your web site! Making it attractive – design and concept, may worth a second visit to those who already tried looking at it.

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*This article was submitted by Costa Dedes.

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