Site-Reference latest featured article titled “9 Simple Steps to Create a Backgound Tiled Image Branded With Your Name” is reprinted here. [Article Reprint]

Site-Reference newsletter article by Mike Makler is reprinted here.

9 Simple Steps to Create a Backgound Tiled Image Branded With Your Name

by Mike Makler

Is Your Web Page Bland and Boring. Wouldn’t you like to have a more professional looking web page. Well a Word Art Tiled Web Page may be one of the solutions you may want to look at.By following these 9 Simple steps Anyone can create a Professional Looking web page Branded with your Name,Product Name or Company Name.

Yo do not have to be a graphic designer to create Tiled Word Art Web Pages.With Microsoft Word and Microsoft Paint and these 9 easy to follow Step anyone will be able to create Name Branded Tiled background Images.

Step 1

Go into Microsoft Word and Create a Word Art with your Text.

Just click on The Menu Item Insert, Then Select Picture, Then Select Word Art.

* Select a Word Art Template

* Enter Your Word art Text

* Select your Font Style and Size

* Rotate your Word Art (Going from Top Right to Bottom Left seems to work best)

Step 2

Open Paint and create a New File

* Click on Menu Item File the New

Step 3

In Paint —- Set Image Attributes Size to

Width 168 Pixels

Height 197 Pixels

* Click on Menu Item Image then Attributes

* Type 168 in Width Text Box

* Type 197 in Height Text Box

* Select Pixels

* Click OK Button

Step 4

Go back to Microsoft word and Copy the Word Art Image

* Right Click on the Image then click copy

Step 5

Go to paint and Paste the Word Image

* Click on Menu Item Edit then Paste

Step 6

In paint choose your background Color

* Click on Menu Item Colors and Select your Color

* Then Click the Little paint Can (Fill with Color)

* Then Click the Image

Step 7

Save Your Paint File as a Gif or JPG – img.gif or The JPG image is the more desired format. It will take up more disk space and load slower but it will have better resolution. Try them both and Decide if the slower load time is worth the increase in resolution

* Click on Menu Item File then Save As

* Type a File name in the Type In Box (myimage.jpg)

* Select GIF or JPG from the File Type Selection Box

* Click the Save Button

Step 8

Upload the Image to your Web Page. (You can either use your Web Page Cpanel or FTP to do the Upload) http://domain/images/myimage.jpg

Step 9

Place the following code inside your body tag background=”url.jpg”

Don’t settle for your first draft. Go back to Microsoft word and Play with different Templates. Also play with different Font’s Styles and Colors within each template. Be Creative and have fun and you will be amazed at how many different variations you can come up with. It really is amazing how a simple change like a Word Art Tiled Background can take your web page from looking plain and bland to Eye catching and Professional.

It is also acceptable to use different Background Tiled images for different parts of your Web Page.

About The Author

Mike Makler has been Marketing Online Since 2001 When he Built an Organization of over 100,000 Members
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