‘SEO – Do it the right way’ – Site-Reference Article
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Site-Reference newsletter article by Guido Nussbaum is reprinted here.
SEO – Do it the right way
by Guido Nussbaum
There is a lot of information about search engine optimization (seo) going around online and not everything that people tell you is true. I would like to take the next few minutes to help you concentrate your SEO efforts on what is important.
The right keywords
Before you can start with search engine optimization, you need to know for what keyword you are going to optimize your website. Finding the right keywords is the first very important step to take. If you choose the wrong keywords, you’ll have a hard time getting the targetted traffic you want. Finding keywords with very low competition could help you reach a top 10 position quicker, even with relatively fewer back-links. You can use several tools to get the number of monthly searches, for example the overture tool or the wordtracker tool.
Onpage Optimization
Since nobody knows Google’s algorithm, nobody can tell you for sure how your website should be structured. Only through a lot of testing and tracking you can get a hint on what you need to change on your website to get a better ranking. However there are still some basic things you should look at:
– The Website Title (in the header section of your html source code) should have your keyword included. It should not be longer than 10 words.
– The Meta Description is used to display the search results, even at Google. That’s why a good meta description is very important!
– The Meta Keywords are not that important but you should make sure that your keywords are included. Don’t include keywords that can not be found in your body text and do not practice any keyword stuffing methods.
– The Body Text. Google doesn’t really look at your keyword density but they look if your keyword is included. That means use your keywords throughout the text where it makes sense but don’t worry about having a 1% or 10% keyword density.
– The H1,H2,H3 tags. Search engines love structured documents, so they also love the headline tags. Use your keywords in the h1,h2 and h3 tags but don’t do any keyword stuffing.
– Image alt tags are very important if you don’t have much text on your website. Use keywords in the alt tags but again do not use the same ones too often.
These are the most important on-page factors to look at. Things such as valid html code can be argued to help. The proper internal link-structure is also of major important and can boost your ranking when done right.
Always remember that you need a mix of on and off page optimization.
Off-Page Optimization
A lot can be done wrong when doing offpage optimization. Google had a major update on his algorithm at the beginning of 2007. Did you remember the google bombs that used to make pages rank for not relevant search terms? Doesn’t work anymore since that update! They have also updated their spam detector, a lot of websites dropped in the search results because they used paid advertisements at certain traffic portals and other grey-hat methods.
The way to go nowadays is called “natural link building”. This means you create links over a very long time period using different methods. If you submit to directories, then submit to 10 directories every day over a period of 100 days. This way it seems as if your links were build naturally by other people.
There are many ways you can get back-links to your website in a natural way. You can:
– provide good content and people will link to you without any effort on your part. This is the most natural and most effective way of link building!
– write articles and distribute them to many different article directories. Your articles get picked up by other people who publish your article at their website with a back-link to your website. This way of building back-links is still very natural and can’t be detected by search engines. In the worst case they would not count the links in the article directories or only count them once because of duplicate content.
– do 3-way link exchanges. This means you have 2 different websites on 2 different servers with 2 different ip’s. You exchange links with other websites by placing their link on your first website and then place the link of your second website on their website. This way you get 1-way links to your second website.
Avoid things like guest-book spamming, ffa sites, link-farms and websites with more than 100 links on the page where your link will be. Finally work on building links every day over a period of at least 100 days. This way you ensure a continues growth of your link-popularity.
About The Author
In case you need a guide on how to go from 0 to 12.000 $ monthly, have a look here: Honest Riches
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