Charlie Page’s latest ‘Real World Tactics eZine’ article titled “Why Was My Article Rejected?” is reprinted here. [Article Reprint]

Charlie Page’s latest ‘Real World Tactics eZine’ article is reprinted here.


Why Was My Article Rejected?

I’m sure you know by now that marketing with articles is perhaps one of the top marketing methods online. And why not, it works and it’s free!

But there is confusion out there about how to market with articles. I hear questions every day such as “what should I write about” or “how long should my article be” or “where can I get my article published”

More and more I’m hearing the question in the title of this article – “why was my article rejected?”

Over the years I have found that articles are rejected by both article directories and ezine publishers for three main reasons. Let’s look at each and look at how to solve the problem so that more of your articles can get published.

Problem 1 – It’s An Ad, Not An Article

This is perhaps the #1 problem with submitting articles. Everyone and their pet hamster is telling you to write and submit articles, so you write an article about your product (or a product you promote as an affiliate) and submit it – only to get rejected. Why?

The reason is this – publishers and site owners are accountable to readers and visitors. If people stop reading or visiting, they lose money. So they are careful about not placing articles that primarily promote one specific product.

Solution? The way to fix this problem is to make the article about a type of product, not about your specific product.

Let’s take any popular one-up program as an example. Most of these programs have very similar selling points. No selling, a team to help you, big commissions and so on. So rather than make your article about your specific program, make the article fit any program and then push your specific program in the resource box.

Problem 2 – The Duplicate Content Problem

The problem here has mostly to do with private label or public domain articles. You know those sites that sell “500 articles a month for $10” type of articles. First of all, these articles are not very good.

But forgetting that for a moment, the real problem is that everyone is using the same article. And that is a bad thing online.

“Just put your link in the article and submit it everywhere” they say. But what they don’t say is that no one will publish these articles because everyone is doing the same thing.

The fact is; Google penalizes for duplicate content. Severely. So people who run sites are very careful about not accepting the same article from more than one “author”.

If you submit the same article as other people this leaves you out in the cold.

Solution? The way to fix this problem is to change the article yourself. Don’t use that silly spinner software to do it, do it personally. All you really have to do is write one paragraph at the beginning and another at the end – sort of an introduction and a conclusion.

This is easier than you might think and takes only moments. Do this and you have a completely unique article that really is yours.

Warning: Be CERTAIN you have the right to do this. The last thing I would suggest is modifying an article that you do not have the rights to.

Problem 3 – It’s Just Not Very Good

This is a tough one because it’s subjective. When articles are rejected for quality it is usually because the article is not “actionable”. In other words, the article does not tell the reader what they can do now to improve their lives.

NOTE: An example of an action item is found above where I said “Solution?” That’s where I offered an idea you can use today to make your article submission go better. And that’s what publishers – both ezine and websites – like.

Solution? The quality issue can be solved by providing some helpful information from your own experience. Let’s say that you’ve been online 3 years trying to make money and finally found something that works.

Rather than write an article about how wonderful your new business is, write an article about the process you went through to find it and how readers of your article can shortcut that pain.

Just pretend you are advising your son or daughter (or brother or best friend) based on your experience.

There are other factors to getting articles published of course. Readability, length, paragraph format and more are factors that must be considered.

But if you solve the three problems outlined above you will go a very long way toward getting more articles published than ever before. Soon, literally millions of people will be able to read your articles.

And that is a beautiful thing indeed!

About the Author

Charlie Page helps people succeed in their Internet businesses. Visit Charlie at

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Real World Tactics eZine

*IMNewswatch would like to thank Charlie Page for granting permission to reprint this latest article.

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