‘How Do You Create Customer Satisfaction That Brings You More Sales’ by Kevin Riley
Kevin Riley’s latest article is titled “How Do You Create Customer Satisfaction That Brings You More Sales”. [Article Reprint]
Kevin Riley’s latest article is reprinted here.
How Do You Create Customer Satisfaction That Brings You More Sales
“Always do right. This will gratify some people and astonish the rest.” — Mark Twain
Doing right — or giving your customers the best possible product — will go a long way towards ensuring customer satisfaction, and it will also create evangelists who help promote your products. To create a product that gratifies and astonishes your customers, you need to over-deliver.
For your low-priced front-end reports, don’t try to get by with a minimum of information. Make the report a truly valuable product that will exceed your customers’ expectations.
You Don’t Have To Give Away The Farm
To create a truly impressive report, you don’t need to give away everything. Of course, you want your readers to have a reason to come back and buy more. To do this, create a fantastic report around one technique or solution, but give a lot of links to other solutions — provided by your other reports or higher-priced e-books and videos.
For example: You could create a great report that outlines all the steps for researching market niches. Make it a truly remarkable report, by thoroughly over-delivering. After reading your report, your customer will need the next report in your series — a report about idea generating. From there, it can lead to reports on organizing and creating an e-book, crafting a sales letter, uploading pdf files and setting up an automatic download — the list goes on.
Take It A Step At A Time
To make your reports shine, give your readers step-by-step instructions to help them achieve their goal or solution. Don’t assume that your reader knows a certain step — cover everything. Imagine taking someone who has no skills or experience in your niche, and leading them by the hand as you explain each step. Point out each little detail.
Give Something Extra
You can add a lot of extra value to your reports by including worksheets. Give your readers something to use with the knowledge you are giving them. Involve your readers. By getting them to take the new knowledge and put it to use right away, they are absorbing the new information — and they’re getting tremendous value from your report.
Be A Superstar
By providing your customers with over-delivered products, you’ll be the shining star in their eyes. When they need another information product, it’s you they’ll come to. When they recommend a product to a friend, it’s your product they’ll recommend.
Create the best products possible, astonish your customers, and build a great infopreneur business.
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Internet Marketing System Building Blog
*This article was submitted by Kevin Riley.
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