Stephan Smith’s latest blog post is titled “Stephan Smith’s Quote Explained”. [Blog]

Stephan Smith’s latest blog post is titled “Stephan Smith’s Quote Explained”.

Stephan says, “What’s the quote?

So I bet your wondering what the quote is? Well if you’re quick, you would have noticed that the quote is sitting to the right side of the screen under the section titled “About”. I derived this quote of mine at the age of 18.

When I said it, I remembered pausing in my tracks and repeating in amazement. The quote is, “If you must master a part of business, master marketing.” Yes I know, its a stroke of genius.

But if you’re still pondering what is the meaning of it or if you think you have a good understanding of it, but you wouldn’t mind a more detailed explanation, just continue to read”. Stephan Smith’s Quote Explained

Stephan Smith’s Internet Marketing Blog

*This news post was submitted by Stephan Smith.

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