Theme Zoom has joined University 20 / 20 and has announced a competition.The prizes include four-month free subscription, one-on-one mentoring with Theme Zoom consultant and access to Theme Zoom inner circle, according to Theme Zoom team. The drawing will be held on July 25. [Contests and Prizes]

Theme Zoom has joined University 20 / 20 and has announced a competition.

Free subscription is available for Public Forum.

Theme Zoom

Theme Zoom sales letter title:

Stop Groveling for Low Hanging Fruit

Swallow Your Vertical Market Whole

“. . . using the only Combination Market Intelligence, Keyword Research, and Website Blue Print Software
in the World”.

Contests and Prizes

Theme Zoom team says, “Join Theme Zoom Now

With sign up you automatically receive:

A chance to win one of three

– FREE 4 month Theme Zoom Subscriptions (3 x $1000.00 value)

– A chance to win FREE one-on-one Mentoring Session with TZ Consultant ($500.00 value)

– Immediate Free access to Inner Circle: Theme Zoom Unplugged where we discuss things… privately. ($97.00 value)

Drawing to be held on July 25th, 2007“.

Features and Benefits

Theme Zoom team says, “The Benefits of ThemeZoom:

1. A keyword research tool, market intelligence tool, content decision maker, silo website architecture builder and co-occurrence prediction (sometimes called LSI) tool all rolled into a single control panel – everything you need conveniently in one place

2. View your entire market from the very top…

3. Build a ‘blueprint’ of your project before you start and manage it from a single screen …

4. Export your project blueprint to an approved site builder and with the PUSH OF A BUTTON have it instantly created and published to the web…

5. Tells you exactly what the best keywords are to use at every level of your website structure from the very top of your site down to the very bottom…”

More benefits are listed on Theme Zoom sales letter.

Theme Zoom members get:

– Unlimited single-user access to the Full Theme Zoom 3.0 tool

– Unlimited Version 3.0 upgrades – two upgrades per year

– Full access to the Lite and Sampler versions of Theme Zoom which are worth $60 and $20 respectively

– Access to the Theme Zoom Exclusive elite community

– Unlimited access to all private keyword & market research classes, courses and ongoing instruction inside the Theme Zoom private members area.

– Full access to all Theme Zoom videos, audios and other multi-media material

– Regular webinars and ‘Ask Me’ Telephone conferences

– Access (and unlimited updates) to all past, present and future e-books and reports created by Theme Zoom staff members

More benefits are inlcuded in Theme Zoom sales letter.


The price of Theme Zoom is: $250 per month.


Theme Zoom comes with the following bonus:

“Free single website license for Silo Publisher with setup fee waved. Silo Publisher allows you to instantly publish a Theme Zoom blue print directly to the Internet. License is valid for the life of your uninterrupted subscription to Theme Zoom ($150/month value)”

Theme Zoom team says, “Join Theme Zoom Exclusive and you will get ‘Full Access’ to University 2020 – the newest and (what will be) the most advanced web-business education site online. . . for FREE”.

Theme Zoom Contest Announcement

Theme Zoom Sales Letter

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