‘Unleash The Power Of Perpetual Marketing’ – Earl William’s Latest Article
Earl William’s latest newsletter article titled “Unleash The Power Of Perpetual Marketing” is reprinted here. [Article Reprint]
Earl William’s latest newsletter article is reprinted here.
Unleash The Power Of Perpetual Marketing
I describe perpetual marketing as a large number of people promoting one web site so they can all receive the traffic generated by each other.
For example, you decide to create a free ebook that you will give away to your web site visitors. You ask a large number of e-zine owners to give away the ebook in exchange for their ad in the ebook. You can just ask them to link directly to your web site when they promote the ebook. You, of course, will have one of your own ads on that web page.
Let’s say you get 8 out of 20 e-zine owners that agree to giveaway the ebook. The 8 e-zines total subscriber base is 75,000.
Now, you can ask more e-zine owners if they would like to promote the ebook in exchange for an ad inside the ebook. This time you can say, you already have 8 e-zines already promoting the ebook with a subscriber base of 75,000.
The next group of e-zine owners you ask will be more tempted to promote your ebook because there is a greater chance they will receive a lot of traffic from the deal. It’s win/win situation!
Do you understand the power of perpetual marketing? You could have 20 or 30 e-zines promoting your web site at no-cost, very quickly! You could create a new, free ebook every month and repeat the process.
This isn’t the only way to use perpetual marketing. You don’t just have to contact e-zine publishers you could do the same with web site owners. You could use a total monthly visitor total as motivation.
It doesn’t have to be just an ebook either. It could be a contest you’re holding on your web site. You could place the other web site’s ads on the contest page in exchange for them promoting the contest.
These are only a few ways to use perpetual marketing. You could use your own imagination to create new ways to use perpetual marketing that will increase your traffic and sales.
Quote of the Day
1. Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.
2. Never trouble another for what you can do yourself.
3. Never spend your money before you have it.
4. Never buy what you do not want because it is cheap; it will never be dear to you.
5. Pride costs us more than hunger, thirst, and cold.
6. Never repent of having eaten too little.
7. Nothing is troublesome that we do willingly.
8. Don’t let the evils which have never happened cost you pain.
9. Always take things by their smooth handle.
10. When angry, count to ten before you speak; if very angry, count to one hundred.
— Thomas Jefferson
Warm regards,
Earl Williams
P.S. Try this:
*IMNewswatch would like to thank Earl Williams for granting permission to reprint the latest articles.
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