‘Keep Your Online Systems Simple For More Sales’ by Kevin Riley
Kevin Riley’s latest article is titled “Keep Your Online Systems Simple For More Sales”. [Article Reprint]
Kevin Riley’s latest article is reprinted here.
Keep Your Online Systems Simple For More Sales
Nothing is ever as simple as we’d like it to be. Yet, we often succeed in making things even more complicated than they need to be. The problem is, the more complicated you make your online system, the more potential customers you’ll lose. For effective Internet marketing, keep every part of your system as simple as possible.
Check Every Process In Your Online System
Take a tour through your marketing system – as a customer. Look at each part of each process through the eyes of a prospective customer. Make no excuses for anything you find along the way. Your customers won’t – they’ll just click away!
Traffic Generating System
Simplify the process of getting from the far reaches of the Internet to your website. In all your ads, forum signatures, article resource boxes … make it easy for the reader to get to your site. Don’t make them think about it. Just tell them exactly what to do. “Click here for more information!”
Sales System
On your sales page, make it easy for your prospect to become a customer. Make the page easy to read. Create a smooth glide down the page to the order button. Break up large chunks of text with sub-headlines for the skim-readers.
Don’t hide the price in some obscure corner of your sales letter, where the reader has to hunt for it. Or, worse yet, force them to click through to your order page to find out how much it’s going to cost them.
Again, tell your reader exactly what to do and how to order your product. Give them a strong call-to-action.
Order System
Keep the order process simple. There’s no reason in the world your customer should have to fill out a series of forms with their address, phone number, mother’s maiden name … just to get their downloadable e-book.
Make it easy to pay. Although not everyone can use PayPal, the majority of Internet users do. Why make someone get out their credit card and fill in another form, when they could buy it with the click of a PayPal button.
Delivery System
There are a number of scripts and software applications that will automatically deliver your digital information product to your customer – and do it instantly. Don’t make your customer wait.
All Your Systems Simplified For The Customer
Make the whole process of buying a product from you as simple as possible for the customer, and you will increase our sales.
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Internet Marketing System Blog
Product Creation Labs
*This article was submitted by Kevin Riley.
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