‘Stop the Pitch-Fest Seminars’ by Woody Maxim
Woody Maxim’s blog post is titled “Stop the Pitch-Fest Seminars”. [Blog]
Press Release
Stop the PITCH-FEST Seminars!
OK, I can really use your help to make the following petition viral. Change begins with one person, but it requires action. In this case, it requires the action of many.
Click the following link and complete the form on the petition page if you are tired of pitch-fest seminars.
You all know what I’m talking about – you pay $2000 and get pitched a high dollar ‘continuing educational’ package by every speaker for the better part of their presentation. You are then told, ‘It’s all about the networking’ and that 2k is a drop in the bucket compared to the business you will receive (nice reframe).
Ok numbskull, we get that – but didn’t we also pay 2k to learn something and not to be constantly sold to?
If you want to make a stand to end this practice, the time is now and the place is here.
To make this viral, we need to spread the word about this blog post:
– Blog about this entry to your blogs (use the trackback so I can thank you personally).
– Submit this post to every web 2.0 site you can find (there are several convenient links at the bottom of this post).
– Write articles about it and submit them to EzineArticles.com with a link back to this post.
– Tell your lists about it.
– Start a forum thread on every forum you can find.
– Use the tell-a-friend system on the petition page.
Let’s blow this up.
If you have ever been to an internet marketing seminar, then chances are you will WANT to sign this petition right now.
It’s time for a change and it all begins here and now.
Stop the PITCH-FEST Seminars!
*This blog post was submitted by Woody Maxim.
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