Dan Kennedy is having a free teleseminar on Wednesday, August 1 at 2.00 pm and 9.00 pm EST. The topic of the teleseminar is “How to Make $100k to $1 Million a Year (or Even More) in the Consulting and Coaching Business”. [Coaching Business Teleseminar]

Dan Kennedy is having a free teleseminar on Wednesday, August 1 at 2.00 pm and 9.00 pm EST.

Dan Kennedy’s Coaching Business Teleseminar Registration Page

The sign up page title:

“FREE 90-Minute Telephone Seminar — Wednesday, August 1st at 2pm EST Or again later the same day at 9pm EST

“How to Make $100k to $1 Million a Year (or Even More) in the Consulting and Coaching Business”

Dan says, “you’ll learn:

– How to get others to gladly pay you $200 … $300…even $1,000 or more per hour for your advice (and have it be worth every penny to them).

– Why you undoubtedly know things others will pay to learn and how to uncover them, plus why you probably don’t need any special credentials to get started.

– How offering coaching and consulting services is one of the fastest ways for anyone with expertise to increase their incomes.

– The tip Henry Kissinger gave Dan about the consulting business that has generated well over $500,000.00 of business to him.

– Common mistakes and expensive blunders to avoid making when you’re getting started as a consultant or coach. Ignore these at your peril!”

Dan Kennedy’s Coaching Business Teleseminar

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