Earl William’s latest newsletter article titled “How To Increase Traffic By Offering A Free Course” is reprinted here. [Article Reprint]

Earl William’s latest newsletter article is reprinted here.

How To Increase Traffic By Offering A Free Course

If you have extensive knowledge on a particular subject, why not create a free course for your web site visitors. The course should be related to the theme of your web site. If you’re selling business related products, you would want to giveaway a free course about business.

You could offer the course in html, autoresponder, and ebook format.

HTML- Your course could be right on your web site. On one web page, create a title page and table of contents. Use clickable chapter links so they can go to the sections easily were they need the most help.

You could increase your traffic by allowing people to give away the course to their web site visitors. Just have them link to your web site.

eBOOK-Your course could be in a downloadable ebook format. Include your business ad in the ebook. A good ebook software to use is Editor Pro, you can find it at http://www.e-ditorial.com .

You could allow other people to give away the ebook. They could just upload it to their own server. Every time someone downloads it, they will see your business ad.

AUTORESPONDER-Your course could be published on an autoresponder. You can sign-up to get a free follow-up autoresponder from all the free services on the internet. You can find them by typing in “free autoresponders” in your search engine of choice. Include a lesson of your course on each follow-up message sent.

You could increase traffic by allowing advertisers to include their ad in the course. Ask them, in return, to advertise the free course at their web site. Just have them link to your web site.

There are many other formats you can use to create your free course; downloadable text, pdf, print format, fax-on- demand, cassette, video, etc. You can use all the methods above with all the formats to increase your traffic.

Quote of the Day

“Do not wrong or hate your neighbor; for it is not he that you wrong; you wrong yourself.” — Shawnee Chant

Warm regards,

Earl Williams


P.S. Try this:


*IMNewswatch would like to thank Earl Williams for granting permission to reprint the latest articles.

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