Kevin Riley’s latest article is titled “Create A Blueprint For A Successful Online Business”. [Article Reprint]

Kevin Riley’s latest article is reprinted here.

Create A Blueprint For A Successful Online Business

Ben Stein once stated, “The indispensable first step to getting the things you want out of life is this: Decide what you want.”

It’s the same with your online business – decide what you want your business to be. Make a blueprint for your Internet venture that charts your course into the future.

Before You Start Your Business

Sit down and decide what you want your business to be like in three years, five years, ten years. Have a plan in mind – a blueprint that outlines the design of your online business. This plan doesn’t have to cover all those little details. In fact, it needs to be more of a general outline. It shows out what kind of business you’re going to build.

In your blueprint, decide what kind of products you’re going to market. Decide what kind of image you’re going to project. Decide what kind of customers you want to attract to your business.

As Your Business Grows

Keep your blueprint by your side as you work on your business. Use it as a guide to make sure you keep going in the right direction.

As you see opportunities for creating hot new products, consider how they will fit into your blueprint. Will the product take your business closer to your goal, or will it take you out of your way to the goal of the kind of business you want to build? Does the product fit into the image you have been building for your business? Will it attract the type of customers you are building your business for?

Look at the sales letters you write … the newsletters you produce … the pricing you set � every component of your online system. How well do they match your blueprint?

Plan For Success

By having a blueprint in place from the beginning, you’ll be sure that your online business becomes the business you actually want.

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*This article was submitted by Kevin Riley.

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