‘Welcome to the Future… Ubiquitous Wireless Internet’ – Campbell’s IMS Newsletter
Michael Campbell has released the latest ‘Internet Marketing Secrets’ newsletter. The featured article is titled “Welcome to the Future… Ubiquitous Wireless Internet”. [Newsletter Reprint]
Michael Campbell’s latest ‘Internet Marketing Secrets’ newsletter is reprinted here.
Internet Marketing Secrets
Issue #127 – August 02 2007
In this Issue:
1) How to Host a Talk Show Online
2) Instantly Capture and Share Anything
3) Eight Quick Tips for Great Podcasts
4) Google to Buy the 700 MHz Spectrum
5) A PR7 Site in Less than Nine Weeks
6) New Microsoft Surface Computer
7) The Fastest Way to Online Success
8) Welcome to the Internet of the Future
All this and a lot more in this issue of IMS. Enjoy!
Host Your Own Talk Show
Imagine having your own interactive talk show. Your audience can phone in using Skype, cellular, or land line. They get put in a talk queue, and wait their turn to talk with you. You have all the control of a radio station and talk show producer.
Hundreds of people can participate in the call. Thousands more can listen. It can be a public or private call. You even have the option of recording the whole thing at the click of a button.
Plus you get hosting. All the bandwidth you need. An RSS feed. An iTunes friendly podcast. And a downloadable archive of the show.
This isn’t like GoToWebinar or LibSyn, it’s totally different. It’s an interactive service called TalkShoe.
I spoke with Dave Nelsen, Founder and CEO of TalkShoe, as I was curious how they monetize the service. What they do, is wrap your downloadable archive in a third party ad. They also offer a paid “corporate service” option with no advertising.
Interactive Podcasting ==> http://www.cdzn.com/ts
Click over to TalkShoe and take a look. There are several short videos, showing how easy the service is to use.
So go ahead… have a meeting, public or private. Make a podcast. Or start your own talk show. You automatically get your RSS and iTunes feeds, so you can spread the word about your talk show.
And the cost of all this bliss… nada, zip, zero… for hosting, bandwidth, recording, archive, podcast, feeds… and your own live talk show. Enjoy!
Instantly Capture and Share Anything
Snap a picture of your screen. Make a screen capture video. Have them upload instantly. Share them by IM, email or blogs. It’s called Jing and it makes “show and tell” very easy.
Imagine if your buddy asks you something technical, about a piece of software. Do you start typing? Do you try and explain it over the phone using just words?
Now you can use Jing instead. It takes just a few seconds, to snap a screen shot, and share it with your friend. Or, if screen shots are not enough, do a quick video to walk them through it, step by step.
When you click the share button, your video is saved to the Screencast server automatically. It also makes a link on your clipboard. Now just paste the link into your instant messenger and share it with your friend.
Jing is provided by TechSmith, the Camtasia people. It works on Mac and PC. Click over and watch the two minute, “what is this thing called jing” video. You’ll never communicate technical stuff the same way again.
And the cost of this wonder… nada, zip, zero… just download it and start sharing your ideas. Jing makes it easy.
Ready to Jing? ==> http://www.jingproject.com
8 Quick Tips For Having a Great Podcast
Perfection is the perfect excuse for procrastination. Most people start with a bang, but quickly fizzle out. The iTunes library is filled with people that had good intentions, but burned out after just a few podcasts.
Don’t let this happen to you! Here are eight quick tips to having and sustaining a great podcast.
1) Give tips and advice of incredible value. 2) Be passionate and expert in your topic. 3) Outline what you want to talk about. 4) Be consistent in your program’s format. 5) Make the production process repeatable. 6) Stay on topic to meet audience expectations. 7) Have your take and don’t suck. Practice first. 8) Most importantly… don’t be perfect.
Don’t worry about small imperfections in speech, or little blunders. Or if you’re video podcasting, don’t worry about your hair. (Be mindful of background distractions though.)
Practice yourself talking into a microphone, or on camera. It’s how the rest of the world sees you 365 days a year. So get used to it, and get over it. Just get busy making your podcast.
Use the camera in the lid of your laptop. It’s good enough. Pick up a 100 dollar Samson CO1U USB condenser mic, and just go for it. Get Apple’s 35 dollar QuickTime Pro (Mac or PC) to encode your video with the H.264 codec. This is all the gear you’ll need to get started.
You’ll reach a much wider audience, and pick up more new subscribers, than you could have, by advertising, or any other method. You can get listed in YouTube and iTunes, and be findable by over 50 million people that listen to podcasts.
Remember, it’s early in the game. There are no clear leaders in audio podcasting. Even fewer still in video. Now is your chance, to position yourself as thought leader, and brand yourself as first, in any category you choose.
So be passionate. Be knowledgeable. Be exceptional. Be remarkable. But don’t be perfect. Just be yourself and let your personality shine through.
Google to Buy the 700 MHz Band?
You may have already heard, that the 700 MHz band, or spectrum, is being auctioned off early next year. Google is offering 4.6 billion dollars to buy it.
Read: http://www.google.com/intl/en/press/pressrel/20070720_wireless.html
Google has encouraged the FCC to require the adoption of four types of “open” platforms as part of the license conditions. They would like to see open applications. Open devices. Open services. And open networks.
What’s really cool, is that its a long range spectrum. It goes through walls, just like the old broadcast TV signals.
Why is that exciting? Because it means internet access anytime, anywhere. In addition, it brings much-needed competition to the wireless and broadband markets.
Hmm, Apple has the iPhone. Google buys the 700 MHz spectrum… Google’s CEO is on Apple’s Board of Directors. It’s a little like looking into the future of the internet, isn’t it?
Jump to PR7 in Less Than Nine Weeks
Duncan Carver would like to give your web site a PageRank of seven… if you’re one of the first 500 members to sign up for his unique service. Your own blog on his powerful Authority Site X.
I asked Duncan just how powerful it was, and he told me, “A test to prove the authority of the site is pretty simple. Create a blog (takes like 5 minutes), make a post, and link to a completely new domain.”
“The search engine spiders will start visiting within around 8 hours.” It’s the only domain that he’s ever used, to get new sites indexed in the search engines.
There are only 500 available blogs in total, but Duncan assured me that, “It’s not some ploy to get people to signup immediately, or otherwise run the risk of missing out.”
“The reason is very honest and sincere. I want to ensure as much PR value, and Authority Power as possible, is passed to each of these 500 blogs, so they see maximum results.”
It’s a very good idea. I do something very similar with my own sites, any time I need a top ranking page… so I know this will work for you.
Want Higher PageRank? ==> http://www.cdzn.com/asx
Microsoft Surface Computer
The Surface is an “interactive table” that mixes the physical and virtual worlds. You can paint on it. Use it to display photos or video. Scribble notes. Play games. Even pay the bills.
It’s based on finger input. You can grab data with your hands, and move it between objects, using natural gestures and hand movements. You don’t need a mouse or a keyboard.
Look for Surface computers popping up everywhere. They’ll be in hotels, restaurants, retailers, and public entertainment venues, looking to give their guests a rich interactive experience.
This could be the breath of life Microsoft needs, if it’s going to survive the next decade. If they have their wish, there will be a Surface computer on every table, in every living room, hotel, bar and restaurant.
Meet the Surface ==> http://www.microsoft.com/surface/
Don’t be the last one to watch the demo. If you like technology… it’s really something to talk about.
Fastest Way to Success Online
Question: I heard about you from Perry Marshall, after buying his course. The message I seem to be reading from you, is that affiliate marketing on niche websites, will prove much more profitable, than focusing on AdSense alone.
My goal is getting up to speed, as quickly as possible. Would you suggest PPC and affiliate programs, as the best route to go, instead of setting up niche sites for Adsense, and struggling to get them ranked well in the search engines?
Answer: I wouldn’t rely on AdSense as your main source of income. As you say, it is a struggle to get MFA (made for AdSense) sites listed in the search engines. And there’s no guarantee that they won’t get booted out if Google doesn’t like them.
In addition, you’re trying to get your site found, only to have visitors click off on an ad. It seems really silly to put in all that effort, just to lose the customer. What you really want, is a sustainable, and scaleable, business model.
Since you already have Perry’s course… you have his knowledge, which you can apply to your PPC advertising. Chances are, you’ll be very successful, if you follow his advice.
Perry’s Seminar ==> http://www.cdzn.com/pmt
Perry’s PPC Coaching ==> http://www.cdzn.com/pmc
(If you can’t afford Perry’s coaching or training seminar, at least get his book from Amazon and read it, before attempting PPC advertising.)
Ok… now you need a market and a product. The best way to find a hungry market is with Nichebot. Go there and sign up for a trial.
Get Nichebot’s Trial Offer==> http://www.cdzn.com/nbt
Now look around your room. You’ll spot many objects that are inside millions of homes. Start plugging those words into Nichebot, and look for products with lots of searches, but few competing pages. Try searching makes and model numbers. You’ll be in for a pleasant surprise.
The best way to check competition, is to log into Nichebot, then select your “Account Settings” and choose intitle:”keyword” as your Competition Type.
This will show the amount of pages that have the exact search phrase in their title. It’s a good indication that someone may have attempted to optimize the page. True competition.
If you can find things with 50 predicted daily searches, and less than 100 competing pages, it’s pretty easy to put up a 10 page content site, and outrank the others. And if you can help people make their buying decision, you will earn commissions from affiliate revenue.
While you’re at it, pick a market that changes a lot. Something that is consumable or wears out. That way, people are more likely to give you their email addy, in exchange for some special report, and continuing product news, which you can use for additional back end sales.
These ten page sites will do well in the search engines… eventually. But if you really want to ramp up your traffic in a hurry, get Gauher Chaudhry’s Pay Per Click Formula and Jay Stockwell’s Power PPC.
With the PPC Formula, you’ll learn about sales funnels and maximizing revenue out of each and every click. With Power PPC, you can mass produce ads with keyword-matching landing pages, within minutes instead of hours.
PPC Formula ==> http://www.cdzn.com/ppc
Power PPC ==> http://www.cdzn.com/pow
The bottom line is… So long as you have a sales formula in place, and it has proven to generate profits, go ahead and buy as many PPC ads as you can afford.
But start small. Test your landing pages and your classified ads, with small keyword groups, and limited runs on Google. Then once your process has proven itself… get professional tools and go for it big time.
That is – without a doubt – the fastest way to success online. There are many roads. And many of them will take you there. But since you wanted to go fast… I recommend the formula above.
Welcome to the Future… Ubiquitous Wireless Internet
I don’t own a landline or wired phone anymore. My mobile phone works in any country, and the wireless networks switch automatically, to follow me around. Why should the internet be any different? In three years from now, it won’t be.
The network in my home is wireless. It’s speed is incredible. I can take my laptop and work from any room, upstairs, downstairs, on the balcony, or out in the yard.
On my four month road trip around America, every single hotel and motel I stayed in, had wireless internet access. So did the coffee shops, lounges and most of the restaurants.
In the future, I envision that the desk of every student is a computer. The table in every restaurant is a computer. You can borrow laptops from libraries, and they are complimentary while drinking coffee at the corner coffee shop.
Eventually, computers will evolve into “wearable technology” that allow digital bits to flow to and from you, as you freely roam about. In that time, you will command with your voice and point with your eyes.
This voice recognition, along with eye tracking, will let you look at a picture on the screen and ask, “Who’s this?” Or you could be looking at a word you don’t understand and say, “Computer define.” The user interface will slowly dissolve until it becomes invisible.
So why am I off on this rant about the future? Because of products like the iPhone and the next generation of visual devices.
Not just a phone, but a small hand held computer. It’s a video player, camera, GPS unit, map, organizer, instant messenger, entertainment system, internet access device and data storage unit all in one.
Add to this, the opening up of the 700 MHz spectrum, and you get ubiquitous wireless internet. It’s everywhere and it’s always on.
Maybe now would be a good time to start poking at Apple’s QuickTime Pro (Mac or PC) and creating some down and dirty video podcasts. Get funky with H.264 encoding, because that’s where the immediate future lies.
The agricultural revolution took 3,000 years. The industrial revolution 300 years. The information revolution took 30 years. The ubiquitous wireless internet will take only 3.
My question to you is… will your content be there, with just in time solutions for people looking for answers. (Over 1/4 million iPhones have already been sold. Not to mention the 10’s of millions of video iPods, and other portable video devices.)
Will your content be in multiple formats like audio and video, to serve the needs of your audience. Will you be positioned as a thought leader, and branded as the first video guru in your field.
As I’ve mentioned before. The field is wide open and there are no clear leaders at the moment. Where will you be when the ubiquitous wireless internet arrives? The choice my friend is up to you. The decisions you make and the actions you take, starting now.
Legal stuff…
Copyright 2006 Dynamic Media Corporation. All rights reserved world wide. All trademarks and servicemarks are property of their respective owners.
The information contained in this newsletter is the opinion of the author based on his personal observations and years of experience. Neither the author or publisher assume any liability whatsoever for the use of or inability to use any or all of the information contained in this publication. Use this information at your own risk.
Privacy Policy: I never sell, rent, trade or lend any information about my subscribers to anyone, for any reason, whatsoever. I assure you that your privacy is respected and well protected.
Michael Campbell

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*IMNewswatch would like to thank Michael Campbell for granting permission to reprint the latest newsletter.
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