‘TV Examples To Boost Your Video Infomercial Conversion Rates’ Jay Douglas’ Article
Jay Douglas’ latest article is titled “TV Examples You Can Use to Boost Your Video Infomercial Conversion Rates”. [Article Reprint]
Jay Douglas’ article is reprinted here.
TV Examples You Can Use to Boost Your Video Infomercial Conversion Rates
Here is a source of some great infomercials that you can view right now. But let me give you some advice to be the most productive…
When you watch these commercials, ask yourself these questions…
1) What is the message the advertiser is trying to convey to the viewer. Write it down in one short sentence. (No cheating – go through the process of actually writing the idea down).
2) What techniques are being used by the advertiser that seem to work. Which don’t work and why. (Yes, write them down).
3) What could make this commercial better? (Yes, write your thoughts down).
4) If YOU were the producer, how would you have handled this assignment? What would YOU have recommended to your client who is paying you to produce this video infomercial? (Of course, write it down)
5) Write a 90-second script that conveys the essence of the infomercial you’ve chosen. Yes, you can use the Automated Script Writing Software to produce this script.
Why write it down? Because it reinforces the learning process for you. Do this a few times and you’re going to soon surprise yourself at how easy script creation and production really is!
Challenge: Send us your 90 second scripts, plus the URL of the original full-length commercial from YouTube.com and we’ll give each participant a nice prize. http://www.killervideoinfomercials.com/support
About the Author:
Jay Douglas is co-owner of a website that shows people how to create their own video infomericals using free software they can download instantly to promote all their products and services. Details at…http://www.killervideoinfomercials.com
*This article was submitted by Jay Douglas.
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