‘What Is Traffic And How Can You Get Some Part 2 of 4’- Charlie Page’s Latest Article
Charlie Page’s latest ‘Real World Tactics eZine’ article titled “What Is Traffic And How Can You Get Some Part 2 of 4” is reprinted here. [Article Reprint]
Charlie Page’s latest ‘Real World Tactics eZine’ article is reprinted here.
What Is Traffic And How Can You Get Some Part 2 of 4
In our last ezine we looked at ways to get traffic without spending any money at all. While that is a worthwhile goal, it is not always realistic for every person.
Sometimes you need results faster than those methods allow.
For that situation there is a solution … paid traffic.
Let’s look at several ways to get traffic to your site by paying with money instead of time.
>>> Ezine Advertising
I’ll bet you knew I’d list this one first. 😉
The reason I love ezine advertising is that it is so targeted. After all, people who subscribe to golfing ezines are golfers and want to learn about golf and buy golf products.
Same holds true for any topic … health, making money online, marketing, sewing, fishing. The list goes on and on.
Basically, you buy an ad in an ezine and the publisher sends your ad to his or her mailing list of subscribers.
It often takes a week to place an ad, so plan ahead. If you shop wisely, you can expect to pay about $100 for a solo ad to about 50,000 subscribers.
The two resources I offer regarding ezines are a book I wrote called “How to make money with ezine advertising” and my membership site, the Directory of Ezines. Here are the URLs if you are interested.
>>>> Pay Per Click
Pay per click is when you pay a search engine – usually Google or Yahoo – to display ads on the page they show to people who search.
The way it works is this. You go to a search engine, let’s say Google, and create an account. That’s free.
Then you tell Google that you will pay X for every visitor they send who searches on a particular keyword.
That can be one word like “money” or a phrase like “make money on the Internet using my computer”. Both are considered a “keyword” by the search engines.
With pay per click you can set a budget of what to spend and the search engine will send you that much traffic and no more.
EXAMPLE: You bid 50 cents per click on the keyword “recipe” and set a budget of $10 per day. Google sends 20 visitors a day and no more.
The advantages here are that pay per click creates almost immediate results when done right and it is highly targeted.
You can expect to pay about 50 cents per click unless you are targeting very competitive keywords.
The downside is that there is a ton of competition and something called ‘click fraud’ is causing problems.
Click fraud is when people click your ad even when they have no interest at all in your product. Weird I know (why would they waste their time?) but it happens and you pay for that click no matter what.
The king of pay per click is Perry Marshall. You can find his excellent books about it at …
These two methods can become the backbone of any marketing plan, so we’ll stop here for this week and give you time to check out those resources.
In the next issue we’ll continue with paid traffic sources, including …
* Email Marketing * Joint Ventures * Teleseminars * Affiliate Marketing
Until then, check out ezines and pay per click. They really do work, and can form the a firm foundation for your long term success.
And having a firm foundation can make all the difference!
About the Author
Charlie Page helps people succeed in their Internet businesses. Visit Charlie at http://www.RealWorldTactics.com
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Real World Tactics eZine
*IMNewswatch would like to thank Charlie Page for granting permission to reprint this latest article.
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