‘Introducing The Law of Attention’ – ‘E-Wealth Report’ Newsletter
Alan Bechtold has released the latest issue of ‘E-Wealth Report’ Newsletter. The featured article is titled “Introducing … The Law of Attention”. [Newsletter]
Alan Bechtold has released the latest issue of ‘E-Wealth Report’ Newsletter.
Introducing … The Law of Attention
I just got back from a GREAT weekend in Orlando at Michael Penland’s Dare to Grow Rich. This is a seminar like no other I’ve ever attended. The results are atypical, too.
I returned changed for the better, re-charged and re-focused on my goals for the future. Carol, the love of my life, went with me. She returned changed, too. I’ve never seen her more focused on the future, or more in alignment with what we both need to do to accomplish our lofty goals.
The success stories go on and on — everyone there left different. Even the speakers.
Dare to Grow Rich is based on many of the same principles as those espoused by the super-popular self-help best-seller The Secret. It’s much more focused and complete than The Secret — but the emphasis on the Law of Attraction is at the heart of it.
Dare to Grow Rich, however, works you through the mental game of making the Law of Attraction actually WORK. You really missed something here — but, don’t worry. I’ll let you know when there will be another Dare to Grow Rich training event. I do know Michael plans to hold more.
Meanwhile, while I was at the conference, listening and applying what I was learning, a stunning realization came to me (you actually apply what you learn while you’re there — that’s why most everyone who has ever attended is transformed by the end of the three days).
I consider this sudden realization a bonus because I can’t find it listed ANYWHERE on Michael’s sales materials for the event!
Here it is:
As I was working through the exercises and listening to the information, I was almost instantly struck by the idea that the Law of Attraction is, in reality, the Law of Attention.
The Law of Attraction focuses heavily on setting up your thinking by focusing on a future goal — something you wish to attain. When you do it right, the universe (I call it God, you call it whatever you wish — we’ll both refer to it as “The Universe,” to prevent confusion) will start working miracles, driving resources and opportunities to you with which you would never have otherwise been presented.
And, because this thing we refer to as The Law of Attraction really does work, it SEEMS that it’s working exactly the way it’s been presented to us for so long, by so many of its practitioners.
But — what if it wasn’t that way at all? What if the magic that was at work happened a DIFFERENT way? It was as if I’d been zapped by a bolt of electricity in the back of my brain. Then, suddenly, I realized that The Law of Attraction COULD actually be — The Law of ATTENTION!
To illustrate my point, think back to the last time you bought a new car. Suddenly, it seems like there are about 100 times more cars like the one you just bought on the road than you ever saw before. Right?
Same thing with a new outfit. Or shoes. Glasses frames. You name it.
The important element at play here is your attention — your conscious mind. It’s been alerted by your SUBconscious mind that you now have a new car or new outfit or new shoes. Whatever.
Before you buy the item, it’s in your subconscious. AFTER you’ve bought it, it jumps right into your conscious mind — and now, suddenly, you see what you just bought popping up EVERYWHERE.
Were they attracted to you? Maybe. More likely, however, they were coming at you all the time. Your subconscious mind might have even made note of them, but you never noticed because your conscious mind had no reason to pay attention.
Your subconscious mind, after seeing all those cars or suites or shoes coming at you, might have helped you with your decision to buy one of your own. But, once you did buy it, your subconscious then moved it to your conscious mind.
Then, you see whatever it is you’ve acquired, suddenly, EVERYWHERE.
The same goes for your desires. According to the Law of Attraction, after you’ve submitted your goals to your subconscious mind for processing, you send “vibrations” to the Universe and this then starts ATTRACTING the exact resources and opportunities you need to make what you desire come to be.
Under the Law of Attention, you realize that all the resources and opportunities you need for attaining whatever you desire were already coming at you left and right. You were simply not focused on a goal associated with those resources and opportunities, so you never really noticed them.
Until you set your mind to a goal and focus. Then you see RELATED opportunities and resources EVERYWHERE.
This is why I believe The Law of Attraction should actually be taught as The Law of Attention. It makes perfect sense. At the very least, my Law of Attention is every bit as powerful and should be every bit as important as The Law of Attraction. Possibly moreso.
The question I have for you is this: if this is really the way The Law of Attraction works, has your impression of The Law of Attraction dimmed in any way?
It shouldn’t.
I’m certain the realization that The Law of Attraction is a little less mysterious than it sounded at first might dull some of the mystique that surrounds it. However, that can be a GOOD thing. I believe my realization is correct — that the Law of Attraction is most likely The Law of Attention, as I described it.
The key is that it works. When you do it correctly, it works every time. The fact that you’re setting some mysterious lifeforce in motion to call on the Universe to bring you what you want, versus programming your mind to be aware of the opportunities and resources that you need and that were already surrounding you, to MAKE what you want happen, shouldn’t matter.
Personally, I think putting it in its proper perspective makes it available to a lot more people who might otherwise brush off the notion of mysterious forces working on your behalf as just so much nonesense.
They might, instead, actually give it a try. That would be a GOOD thing!
Since we took a week off from publication last week, I thought I’d pop a couple of things by way of gifts to you this week. I got a bonus during Michael’s Dare To Grow Rich, so I felt like YOU deserve a bonus from me, too!
First — I mentioned this before. Jeff Wark and Lori Steffen (known as The Dynamic Duo of Content), have been HAMMERING me ever since I made the seemingly knee-jerk remark that “Web 2.0 is CRAP” on a recent teleseminar. They really have been pestering me CONSTANTLY, DEMANDING an explanation — and I’ve chosen to turn a deaf ear to their antics (though I have to admit SOME of them are downright HILARIOUS).
Check out their blog at http://www.Web2IsWhat.com. Especially the videos.
Is this some outragiously funny stuff, or what? Leave a comment or two on the blog. Go ahead. Let ’em know what you think.
Then — I want you to register for a special no-cost, no-obligation Webinar I’ve scheduled for Thursday, August 30, 2007, at 7:30 p.m. eastern U.S. time. You don’t even have to dial in on the phone if you don’t want to. It’s set up to also let you listen in live on a special Website, over the Internet, with NO long distance charges.
I know — I said I wouldn’t bend to Jeff and Lori’s constant pushing — and I haven’t. It just dawned on me that the REAL Web 2.0 can actually KILL your business if you aren’t aware of what it’s all about, so I’m holding this Webinar to enlighten my readers — you — and possibly save you from a horrible fate.
I’ll also enlighten you about how you can turn that situation completely on its head and make the REAL Web 2.0 work the RIGHT WAY.
In case you’re wondering, I haven’t invited Jeff and Lori. I’m continuing to ignore them. They might get on the call — but it won’t be because I told them about it.
Hurry! I could only set up a limited number of seats for this call. You seriously will miss one of the most important Webinars of the year if you don’t make it to this one!
Register here: http://www.sysop.com/web2iscrap
Finally, another great book has been released and YOU can benefit tremendously! Be Unreasonable, by Paul Lemberg, teaches you how you can take any existing or new business up the maximum number of levels of growth quickly by thinking, acting and doing unreasonable things.
It’s not about “thinking outside the box.” It’s about throwing the box AWAY! It’s a brillaint book. Really. I highly recommend you get it.
But — just sending you somewhere to buy a book could hardly be classified as a gift, so, I’ve got something a LOT better for you. Instead, I’m going to send you to a place where you can order Paul’s new book and pick up more than $3500 in valuable gifts when you do.
That’s more than $3500 worth of valuable courses, software, books and training (including some personal coaching sessions — I couldn’t believe it!), in return for buying a $20 book.
THAT’S my idea of a gift!
Here’s where you can pick it up: http://UnreasonablePromo.com
I’ll see you next week!
Alan R. Bechtold
President/CEO BBS Press Service, Inc.
‘E-Wealth Report’ Newsletter
*IMNewswatch would like to thank Alan Bechtold for granting permission to reprint the latest article.
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